Ninjas Are Supposed To Be Silent!

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We all go up to the surface, Donnie, Leo and Mikey grabbing their own skateboards before leaving. They put hem to their backs and we left. Soon, we were jumping from roof to roof, Mikey the only one skateboarding. He held the T-Pod while skating from each roof, doing some tricks on nearly everyone of them. I had to avoid being hit by some because I was to close.

Naomi was running beside Raph, Leo and Donnie. They were each trying to ignore Mikey who was grinding and jumping up on half-ramps for his tricks.

“Hey, Donnie!” Mikey finally called out. “Thanks for all the new songs!”

Then I heard Donnie say, “Wait. What new songs?”

“Keep it down you guys.” Leo whispered.

Donnie slowed down and then jumped over to Mikey. I ducked out of the way as Donnie as he grabbed Mikey’s shoulders and skillfully did a handstand on him while Mikey was skating.

“What the--?” Donnie said, looking at the T-Pod. “It’s got thousands of songs and it’s downloading new ones every second!”

“So?” Raph came up with Naomi close behind.

I watched Naomi behind Donnie and Mikey. She may be just following, but it’s news enough.

“So I didn’t program it to do that.” Donnie said, looking at Raph upside down. Then he jumped to the other side of Mikey, thinking aloud. “It’s reconfiguring itself somehow. It’s that chip!”

Mikey didn’t care, skated off and then when he ramped into the air, “Whatever it is, it’s awesome!”

I look down at Leo, interested in his skateboard design. I nudge Mikey as he lands again and point at Leo. Naomi didn’t notice, which I was happy about. And Leo didn’t explode, which was all the better.

“Guys!” Leo said, looking up at us all. “We’re ninjas, remember? We move swiftly and, here’s the important part, silently! Yah!”

I looked back at Leo but he was gone, falling from the roof he was just running on. We all stopped at the corner of the roof we were on and watched as Leo fell through some glass greenhouse.

Even though I couldn’t see what happened next, I did hear him cry out, “Beehive!” Then a Leo came out on the end of the glass, breaking through, falling down and tumbling down some of those metal steps like Mikey did.

Raph, Mikey, and Naomi were all smiling. Donnie and I were not.

Then Raph came up to the edge and called out to Leo, “That wasn’t very silent, Leo!”

Naomi then turned to me. “Did you point at him?”

“I didn’t!” I tried.

Mikey looked at us and then said, “Yes you did. You pointed at his skateboard design. Do you think it’s cooler than mine or something?”

Shaking her head, Naomi jumped down with Raph to help Leo back up. I shook my own head and waited up top with Mikey and Donnie.

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