Naomi's Likeliness

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About three days later, I was sitting down, watching the entrance of our lair, wanting to leave but yet again not risking it because Sensei had been coming in and out for the past few days. We hadn’t snuck out since that one night.

Naomi was whacking at a bar that Sensei got for us last night. Naomi wanted to break it in, so she’s been at it for a while now, switching from her staff to just hand-to-hand combat.

She was growling angrily, whacking out madly. “It’s been four days and I’m going insane! If I don’t get out of this hole within the week, I’m going to go on a rampage!”

“Calm down, Naomi. Seriously.” I sighed.

She pointed at me with her staff. “You try being like me who’s wanting to move and whatnot. It’s driving me insane.”

Sighing, I turned to her. Her moves were graceful, quick, short, and to the point. I want to understand on how she could do that so smoothly. Then she jumped on the pole and started just whacking at it, all grace gone and pure anger pouring out.

“She looks like you, Raph, when you’re mad.” I heard a familiar voice say.

Naomi couldn’t hear because her staff rang out when she hit the pole.

“Oh shut up, Leo.” Raph snapped back.

I looked at the pool and three turtles walked up.

“Leo, Donnie, Raph!” I exclaimed.

That’s when Naomi stopped, looked over at us and jumped down. I knew she was embarrassed because she was growling lowly. She walked over.

“So what’s up?” I asked.

“Mikey might be in trouble.” Leo explained shortly.

“How could Mikey be in trouble?” I questioned.

“He met this human friend. Then he started hanging out with him. Tonight, he showed us his ‘friend’s’ Secret Cada, the Death Dragon, then when we started practicing it, Splinter said it was from the Shredder.”

“The Shredder?” Naomi repeated, getting lost right about there.

“Splinter’s enemy.” Donnie tried.

“Oh. That makes sense.” Naomi nodded. “So why does this involve Mikey?”

“He may not be friends with the Shredder, but he’s friends with his pupil.” Leo answered. “And if he’s friends with his pupil, he might torture Mikey into telling him things.”

“Oh no!” I gasped. “Mikey’s in trouble!”

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