Watching or Helping

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I didn’t want to just stay put and let the turtles have all the fun. Also I want to see who Naomi liked. But, what if she didn’t like any of them? What if she said that to make me work my shell off to figure it out. But then again, she could like one of them and not know it right now.

“Naomi!” I called after her, getting up and following her. “Lets go and see what the turtles are up to.”

“We’re turtles too.” she sighed.

“I meant the four turtles.” I corrected myself.

She was silent for a few seconds. “Fine. But we’ll not be seen.”

“Alright.” I smiled, already wanting to be seen.

“That means no thinking about being seen either.” she said, lifting the sewer top.

Can she read my mind?

“No,” Naomi sighed, crawling out. “I can’t read your mind.”

Holy crap, she can! I crawled out after her and we took to the roofs again. We jumped from roof to roof when Naomi stopped.

“This is pointless if we have no information on where they went.” she sighed, looking around.

“Last I saw, they were heading… That way.” I pointed in a direction and as I pointed, an explosion came from where I pointed. Naomi looked at me and blinked.

I pointed at her to see if it’d happen again. “Don’t point at me!” she cried. “I don’t want to explode!”

It didn’t happen and I lowered my hand in disappointment. “Well, they went that way.”

“Alright, lets go.” she muttered, taking off after the explosion. “What do you think caused the explosion?”

“How should I know?” I replied. “I’m not there.”

Naomi was silent like she was considering what made the boom. We stopped on the last building closest to the explosion after a few minutes of running from roof to roof. We stood, a little out of breath, watching the fire at the entrance burning up.

I sighed. “Found the explosion.” I gestured to the building and then alarms started going off.

Naomi looked at me, shook her head, and sighed, “Stop pointing. You’re going to end the world if you continue it.”

“Well maybe I want to!” I called after her as she jumped down.

The guards outside started heading in after the alarm went off. The gate was closing as we ran toward the building.

“It’s closing!” I said urgently, putting on a burst of speed, passing Naomi.

“I think I can see that, Mikito!” Naomi hissed, grabbing her staff and throwing it at the gate. The gate closed on the staff standing straight up. “Go! It won’t hold.”

I rolled past the staff and moved out of the way so Naomi could roll after me. As she rolled past her staff, she snatched it out from the gate as it started bending at a dangerous angle. The gate slammed shut.

“There.” Naomi breathed out. “That wasn’t so hard.”

“Except avoiding the burning van outside, then the gate almost shutting on you and now there are a dozen robots staring at us.” I said, looking at the different robots.

“Well, scratch that. It could’ve been easier…” she muttered, twirling her staff and running at the robots. They shot out purple bullets that we avoided nicely because they had horrible aim.

I slashed one in three pieces and a brain screeched at me as it crawled toward me. “Ah!”

Naomi came up and whacked the brain with her staff with a bored expression. “I told you I saw a brain crawling.”

“Well, it’s not everyday you see a walking brain!” I countered.

“True…” she said, thinking it out. “Wait… Do you hear that?”


“More gunfire… We’re not alone.”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re in a secret base with alien robots, Of course we’re not going to be alone!”

Naomi looked at me, smirked, and bounced up on the roof. I followed and that’s when we heard the weird screeching sound and gunfire.

“Donnie! Go!” someone shouted. I saw a helicopter about to take off and a flying turtle that was propelled up by another one. He caught a ledge and climbed up.

“Well…” Naomi sighed. “We found the turtles. Happy?”

I looked down and saw three turtles battling a giant weed and gunfire from the robots. “Should we help?”

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