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The four turtles were standing outside the window that the spider came out of before they jumped to their own roof. We watched them go before I looked at Naomi with a begging look.

She looked at me, fell for it, and sighed, “Fine… But only for a few minutes. It’s getting late.”

I smiled and followed after them. I think the only reason Naomi said yes was because if Raph. It was a similar reason for me as well, only for Mikey instead. She ran a little ahead of me, but I didn’t care.

We watched the turtles sneak to their sewer top. As they closed the lid, we jumped down. Naomi popped it open and I jumped in, followed by Naomi. Looking around, we saw the abandoned train tracks.

Listening, we heard the footsteps from the turtles going down the tunnel. We followed silently, like the skilled ninjas we were, and followed them to their hideout. They all relaxed on the make-shift, rocky, couch. Being sneaky, we peeked our heads to peek on them.

Then the big rat came and started speaking to Raphael. Raph nodded and started agreeing with what he said. Then when they were done, the rat raised his voice a little so we could hear him clearly, “And when are you girls going to come out of hiding?”

He didn’t even look at us! We came into view, jumped over the entryways and walked in. Mikey grinned and jumped up to greet us when Raph pulled him back down, looking at Naomi with a strange look.

“Hi!” Mikey said under Raph’s arm. “How’d you girls get here?”

“We followed you.” I said happily. “Sorry.”

“All’s well.” Raph smirked, getting up. “Because I want a rematch with the black headband one!”

Leo, Donnie, and Mikey looked at him strangely. Splinter looked at Raph, then at Naomi.

“My name’s Naomi.” Naomi sighed.

“A rematch?” Leo asked, looking at Naomi then Raph. He nearly laughed as he saw Raph’s face. “Did you loose to a girl, Raph?”

“Raph lost to a girl?” Mikey repeated, then started laughing out loud. “That’s grand!”

“I’d like to see you try.” Raph glared at Mikey.

“Why?” Mikey carelessly smiled.

“Because you’re facing her partner.”

“I’m Mikito…” I tried.

“What?” Mikey exclaimed. “No! I don’t wanna!”

Raph jumped at Mikey as the nun chuck user tried to run off. He landed on Mikey and held him down. “Unless you’d rather face her now?”

“No thanks…” Mikey whimpered. “I’ll go after you.”

“Good. That’s what I thought.” Raph smirked, going to the dojo and motioning to Naomi to follow.

She shrugged and followed the red head banded turtle in the dojo. The rat was going to his room behind some sliding door panels. Donnie, Mikey, Leo, and I all sat back and watched as Raph got out his Sais and Naomi her metal staff, pressing on it to make the blade she keeps hidden pop out. They circled each other, the pressure in the room intensifying.

“I bet Raph wins.” Mikey whispered to me.

I look at him. “Naomi for me. You should’ve seen the way she kicked his shell earlier.”

“But Raph’s tough.”

“Naomi’s cunning.”

“We’ll see.” he said, looking back at the two.

Raph and Naomi started at each other, Raph running up to Naomi. Naomi turned in a full 360, facing Raph then jabbing out with the blunt end of her staff. Raph moved to the side quickly, knocking the staff away with a Sai.

Naomi summoned her staff back and twirled it to get to the bladed side. Raph growled and circled her again. This time, Naomi started the attack, jumping high and bringing down the metal staff. Using quick reflexes, Raph rolled out of the way. He jumped up as Naomi jabbed the floor with the bladed end.

Leo watched their movements and Donnie was staring at Naomi’s staff, probably considering how heavy it weighed or something. Mikey was looking like he was thinking about changing the bet.

A hollow thump came from Naomi’s shell when Raph kicked her. “Aha! Got a hit!”

“Don’t be so sure.” Naomi smirked, running up to him before digging the bladed end in the ground and hauling herself skyward. Somehow, she managed to get the staff out of the ground. Landing behind Raph, she whacked out with the blunt end of the staff, making Raph reel back a little.

He turned on her and did a spinning back kick, which she blocked by crossing her arms together. That was when Raph jumped at her, twirling his Sais and stabbing at her. Naomi was quick to act, and block, because she twirled her staff quickly and deflected every hit meant for her.

Then when she had the chance, she jabbed her staff in the ground again, but this time just kicked out with both feet into Raph’s stomach. He launched backward, dropping his Sais in the process. Naomi quickly took her staff out of the ground again and pointed the bladed end at Raph.

“Yet again, a girl wins.” Naomi smirked.

Mikey and I couldn’t help but laughing, rolling over and letting it all out. Leo and Donnie looked at us, then they started chuckling.

Raph struggled a little bit before giving up. “You have got to try and fight Splinter.”

“Splinter?” she repeated.

“The big rat staring at us now from his room,” Leo interjected.

Naomi didn’t look until she sheathed the blade, put her staff up, and join me and the others sitting down. We all looked at Splinter. He blinked and then disappeared from sight.

“That means he’ll meditate on it.” Leo explained. “Hopefully.”

When Raph got his Sais again and joined us, he turned to Mikey then with a creepy look said, “Your turn.”

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