Sneaking Off

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It was true when Naomi said I wouldn’t see her till the next night. I even checked in her room. She wasn’t there… Strange. Not until the next night did I see her. She looked at me and nodded.

Then we were up and out once again. But when I came out after Naomi did, I couldn’t see her anywhere. I tried the roofs and I saw her shadow leaping and spinning over houses and other buildings.

Quietly, I followed. She probably thought I wouldn’t be able to see her, but I followed. She led to a tower that she crouched on, looking out in the night, seemingly searching for something.

I didn’t see anything until purple gunfire was seen. Naomi saw it too and headed in the direction. I followed her as she leaped off a roof and kicked a droid on the head, knocking it down.

She took out her staff and started whacking one by one. I waited from where I was on the roof and I saw the four turtles on the roof fighting four droids with an ugly, fat man watching them from a door with a phone facing them.

It looked like he was recording them… That’s nice. They chased the droids off and the man exchanged words with them before Raph got mad and leaped at the man. The man closed the door he was hiding behind and Raph ran into it.

“Ooooo.” I groaned, averting my eyes. “That’s got to hurt…”

“Mikito?” Naomi asked, jumping on the roof and brushing some dust off. “So you followed me?”

“No. I just saw the gunfire and was curious.” I half-lied. “And what are you doing?”


“The droids?”

“Yeah.” she said, tapping her foot on the roof. “Now, I’m hungry… Ice cream?”

“Sure. I thought I heard the truck going that way.” I said, pointing the direction.

“Wow, you point and nothing explodes or goes off.” Naomi laughed.

I glared at her and we ran off.

Chapter Eleven- Turtle Temper:

We finally find the ice cream truck waiting outside of a store with a few lights on. Carefully, we jump down and sneak to the back, opening it and smiled as the cool air hit us softly.

Naomi laughed and jumped in, looking at all the ice cream flavors, smiling evilly as she grabbed some Fudge Bars and Rainbow Pops. Then we see a new kind that was cone shaped. Naomi opens the top. Brown sprinkles was on top of a chocolate layering. She took a bite and vanilla ice cream was under the chocolate layer.

“The sprinkles are nuts…” she observed, reading the wrapper. “And it’s an actual cone!”

“Give me one.” I ordered, snatching one from the box and unwrapping it. I took a bite and I was good. A little different with the cone. When I was getting ready to eat it all, I didn’t see anymore vanilla, just hardened chocolate at the tip of the cone.

“It’s awesome!” Naomi announced, snatching some before leaving me behind. I snatched a few and followed her out as the store door opened and the truck driver came out.

I ran up some stairs and followed Naomi to a flat surface. Then we ate our ice cream in silence till I heard a door close and some talking.

By the looks of it, Naomi heard it too because she got up and stalked to the edge of the building, looking down. I followed nimbly and saw a man talking on phone about some video.

Within ten seconds I saw the turtles group up on the roofs before jumping down. The man got off his cell and looked at the turtles. “If you lay one and on me, frog, I’ll call the cops.”

“We’re not…” Raph forced out. “Going to hurt you. We just want the video back.” The other turtles looked a little nervous as we looked out upon them. The blue headband nudged Raph and he looked at the ground, grounding out slowly, “Please.”

“And what will you give me for it?” the man asked.

“Give you for it?” The blue headband asked.

“Well yeah. This video can get me a lot of money. What will you give me?”

“Give you?” Raph finally spoke up again, looking a little furious. “I’ll give you a head that won’t be smashed against the con--”

“That’s enough, Raph.” the blue headband one sighed, making him back up a little. Raph crossed his arms and looked away. He looked back at the man. “Well, what do you want?”

The man crossed his arms and said. “A good cool mill.”

“Uh huh. Uh huh. What’s a cool mill?”

“A million dollars.”

“But we don’t have a million dollars.”

“But we do have a few cool European quarters that fell down the to the sewers!” Mikey announced.

“Well I’m not giving you this video until someone gives me a good amount.” the man said, hiding the phone.

Raph growled and leaped at the man. “You better give us that video right now.”

Naomi started laughing and I looked at her a little shocked. I then nudged her and pointed to some of those droids getting in a van and driving right at the turtles. We looked down at the turtles and all but Raph was looking at us.

“That’s swell…” Naomi sighed, jumping down. “Raph! Droids!”

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