Beat Down With Skatebords

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After Naomi and Raph went to help Leo up, we jumped over some more roofs before coming to a halt, looking out at some kind of statue area with a bunch of stairs and hand holds for people who had issues climbing up the stairs. Or for skateboarders like Mikey and the others.

“Check that out.” Donnie said.

“Let’s grind it!” Mikey said, looking at the T-Pod. I looked at Mikey and he smiled, looking back at me. “Wanna share?”

“Sure.” I smiled, coming over and plugging an ear bud in the closest ear to Mikey. We listened to some rock songs and then some cool mixing songs.

They were looking at the skate spot when I vaguely heard Donnie say, “Who the heck is that guy?”

We all looked down and saw a man in metal armor. He was walking down the street without a care in the world.

“I don’t know.” Raph said. “But he needs a beat down.”

“Hold on, Raph.” Leo said, looking at him. “We don’t know if he’s going to do anything wrong. He-- He could be on his way to… church.”

“Wearing powered battle armor? What kind of church is that?”

“A really awesome one.” Mikey came up and spoke.

Leo slapped his forehead. Raph looked down and sighed while Naomi sighed and shook her head.

“Look. It’s my call.” Leo finally said. “I decide who gets a beat down.” we all watched as the armor guy walked up to the back entranceway to a building and started setting fire to a lock. Then Leo changed his mind, “That guy needs a beat down.”

Raph and Naomi smirked and hopped down first followed by Leo, Donnie, Mikey and then me. We came around to surround him. Naomi blinked and looked at her stick staff and decided to hang back, jumping on a dumpster and sitting on it. I came up by her and started swinging my legs, kicking the dumpster lightly. Naomi used her leg to make mine stop moving.

The four surrounded the armor guy as he tried to pick up the metal door that he was trying to get into.

“It’s just kinda sad.” Donnie whispered.

“Yeah.” Mikey agreed. “I don’t know if we should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone.”

Leo got out his swords out, “Halt, villain!”

Armor guy turned around to face the boys and us.

“‘Halt, villain’?” Raph repeated, looking at Leo stupidly. “When did we start talking like that?”

“We’re heroes.” Leo explained, looking at Raph. “Tha--That’s how heroes talk.”

Then the armor guy pointed his flamethrower at the boys and I gasped a little. Naomi rolled her eyes. “You will feel the fury of my power battle--” he paused and looked at all of us more clearly. “Holy, cow! You guys are turtles!”

“That’s right!” Leo smiled. “We’re the Turtles of Justice!”

“Wow.” Raph said, shaking his head and looking at Leo with a stupid look. “I mean just… wow.”

Armor guy ran up to the four. Raph got out his Sais, Donnie his own staff. Mikey stayed behind, then cried, “WAIT!” Everyone paused and watched him as he put the T-Pod up. He got out a numb chuck and smiled, “Okay.” then he jumped, did a front flip over the armor guy , whacking him with a numb chuck to the head.

Donnie was on his skateboard. He jumped up, letting his board going between the guys’ legs, then used his staff to unplug some on his armor, then hopped down and back on his board.

Raph came up next with his Sais at the ready. I glanced at Naomi. Her eyes were on him. And she calls me obvious. But Raph jumped up with his skateboard in hand then brought down his Sais on a wire, breaking the circuit.

Leo was last, skating under the guys’ legs then jumping up and slashing out at something on his back, making him loose balance.

The armor guy backed up and smashed into something, making an alarm go off. Naomi hopped up and opened the dumpster lid, probably planning that from the beginning. She gestured inside and everyone nodded.

The guys picked the guy up and then threw him in. “You not the first to ever throw me in the trash!” he growled. “But I swear, you will be the la--” then Naomi slammed the lid on him.

Police sirens were coming closer and we all retreated to the roofs. When we did, Naomi looked at him. “Did you honestly point again?”

“I didn’t point!” I exclaimed. “You were beside me the entire time!”

Naomi smirked and followed the guys off down back to their lair again.

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