Not Really Used To A Stick... (Naomi POV)

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On my way back from what I was doing for Sensei, I met up with the rest of the Turtles. They were planning on taking Stockman down. It made me pause and back out for a little while, thinking.

A shadow on my left. Why does she keep following me? She’s worse than Mikito and the other one I’m helping Sensei with combined. It seems I’m the most reasonable one in this group other than Raph, of course, and Leo, maybe.

“How can we bring Stockman in the open?” Donnie asked.

“Correction,” Mikey announced, “Stockman Pod.”

“Shut up, Mikey.” Raph snapped.

I came up beside Raph and rolled my eyes. “Why not have Mikey as bait?”

“Why?” they all asked, jumping a little from my sudden appearance, and looking at me.

Sighing, I said, “Think about it, except Mikito and Mikey, thinking might be too hard for you two.” Mikito just glared at me, but I dismissed it. “Mikey said bad guys always chase after him, so if we wait in one spot while Mikey going off to find the Stockman Pod, we’ll get him without him noticing us.”

All of them stayed silent as they processed the information. I think Mikey got lost because he kept looking at them with a stupid look on his face. How can Mikito like him? Honestly. He said it himself when he said pizza made his brain explode.

What if he had a Kraang brain? I thought about that and smirked. Now at least then, he’d have something right: Having a brain.

I think my smirk got them because Leo nodded, “That’s actually a very good plan, Naomi.”

Mikito looked at Leo like he was partially crazy, complimenting me like that, but that’s maybe because she thinks I’m a spy. For now, Sensei said to let her think what she wants, but to let you know, I’m no spy.

That shadow passed to my right. It’s not hard to miss, but nobody else seems to notice it. Yet again, I notice everything that practically moves.

“Mikey.” Raph pushes him off. It’s funny to me, I think, but I never show it. Why should I? “You’re going to find Stockman.”

“The Stockman Pod.” Mikey corrected him.

Raph whacked him upside the head. “Just do it.”

“Ok, ok, ok.” Mikey sighed. He grabbed Mikito’s hand and they bounded off. Although my plan didn’t involve taking Mikito, it worked with me.

We waited until something seemed to happen. I was leaning against a water tower with my arms crossed and Raph right next to Leo, waiting for Mikey. Movement. Heard it more than saw it because my eyes were closed as well.

I opened them and looked to my left. That’s what I thought. Looking at Donnie, Raph, Leo to make sure they weren’t looking at me, I jumped up to the shadow.

“Again?” I asked quietly.

She got out her double Sais, just like Raph’s, only had dark blue handles with black design. “Today, you’re going down.”

“I’ve heard this… how many times?” I questioned. “But I’m not in the mood tonight, Reiley. At least with you.”

“But why?” she asked.

“I have to deal with a big man in armor.” I replied. “Now get lost before either Leo or Raph see you.”

“I’m not scared of guys.” Reiley sneered. “Besides, they can’t beat you, so I have nothing to worry about.”

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