Ch. 24 Beach Day

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Emily's POV
After weeks and weeks of going back and forth from his house to mine, Niall has finally decided to move to Maine with me. He misses me and is sick of the long drive every weekend. He and Harry and the rest of the boys ( Louis, Liam, and Zayn) have been hanging out. They even started a band. They decided to call it One Direction. They all sing and they're all honestly, really good. I wouldn't mention it to any of them, but Harry obviously has the best voice. I probably only think that because I'm his girlfriend. But all of them are talented. They've been posting stuff on YouTube and have gotten tons of views. They're hoping they'll get discovered. I honestly don't know if I want them to.
I'm not a people person, and if they get famous people will be everywhere trying to follow them. What if Harry forgets me? I'm so selfish to say all of this but I love him, I can't lose him. We've been dating since the end of November. 8 months. Not that long, but I've loved him from the start.
Harry and I are watching Modern Family and cuddling on the couch.
"You know we should probably be doing something Harry. It's finally summer and the weather is perfect and we're doing nothing." I laugh
"Em, we are doing something. We're watching Modern Family and cuddling." He replies
"Harry you know what I mean!" I slap him.
"Ouch! Fine what do you wanna do?" He asks.
"Let's go swimming!"
We walk to the beach. A bunch of people are there, many little kids, old people. People of all ages.
Harry sets out beach chairs up and I start to take my cover up off. I feel a set of eyes staring at me.
"Harry stop staring at me!" I push him playfully.
"Em, I can't help it! You can't wear that bikini in front of me and not expect me to stare at you!" He says.
I decide to tease him a bit.
"Harry can you rub some sunscreen on me?" I ask with a smirk on my face.
"Emily stop it!" He playfully yells.
He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer and starts to kiss me. Before he gets carried away i stop him.
"Harry there's kids here!" I laugh while pushing him off.
He glares at me.
I sit down and start to tan.
"Emily you wanted to do something! We're not just gonna sit here and do nothing!"
"Harry I am doing something, I'm tanning!"
He picks me up bridal style.
At first I didn't notice but I start to stare at him. His tattoos. His abs. Everything.
He goes to the water and throws me in.
It's freezing cold and I scream.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Emily Rose Montgomery." He laughs
I dunk him and make him go under.
Then he pulls me under the cold water. He kisses me. I feel like one of those tumblr people. But it was cute.
"I'm going to miss doing these kind of things with you Harry."
"Why would you miss doing this stuff Em? Why would we stop?" He looks concerned.
I try not to. But I can't help it. I start to cry.
"Baby what's wrong?"
"Once you and Niall and all the other boys get famous and go on tours I'll have nobody. You'll be too busy for me. You'll forget about me. Or not even want to be seen with me. I love you so much Harry, it's scary. I'm afraid to lose you."
He starts to laugh as he wipes my tears. People are staring.
"Harry it's not funny! I don't want to lose you!"
"Emily, I would never forget you. Neither will Niall or the rest of the boys. I doubt we'll really get famous. Even if we did, I'll still want to do everything with you. I will always want to be seen with you. Don't think I'll ever forget you."
He kisses me and holds me tight.
"But you'll be so caught up with all the attention. You'll have such a great life. I'll be alone." I say
"I will never leave you alone. Ever. Even if I get famous or be successful, I'll never have a great life unless you're in it. Only you. And I don't want the world's attention. Yours is enough."

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