Ch.14 Stuck In Love

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Emily's POV
After my date with Harry last night I had another night of tossing back and forth trying to sleep but can't stop thinking about him. I had a great time. I really like him. Like realllyyyy like him. He's also a good kisser. Only one problem. What if he hurts me?

I know I shouldn't start thinking about all of this when we're not even official yet, but ever since my last relationship. I have a hard time trusting people. I want to be with him but I feel like I shouldn't.
I turn and look at my clock and realize that I've spent too much time thinking about all of this and I'm late for work!
Around the usual time, Harry walks in. A huge grin on his face appears once he sees me.
"Hey Em, I had a great time last night."
"Yeah I did too. Thank you so much for paying for the dinner last night harry! You know, you didn't have to."
"It was my pleasure."
After a little bit more of small talk he says, "Okay so I know that Uhm we already just went on a date last night, but uh I was just wondering if you wanted to come over tonight to watch a movie?"
And without thinking I reply "Of course Harry. I'd love too."
Around 8 I go over to Harry's apartment. I knock and instantly he opens the door.
"Hey Emily." Harry smiles
"Hey." I say as he lets me in.
His apartment's pretty small but it's cute.
"So what movie are we gonna watch?"
"I was thinking we could watch this one." He holds up "Stuck in Love." With Lily Collins and Nat Wolff.
"Sure I heard it's supposed to be really good."

I put in the movie and Harry walks in with a bowl of popcorn. We turn off the lights and start to watch. During the movie Harry gradually moves closer to me. He puts his arm around me and I let him. I put my head on his shoulder. Soon I just zone out of the movie. Not that it's bad, but I can't help but just stare at Harry. He's beautiful. Yeah he looks gorgeous in a suit but right now he looks stunning. He just looks like himself. I think moments right now, like when you get to see the real person, are their most beautiful moments. Not them all dressed up with their hair perfect. Just them as themselves.

After the movies done Harry says "You look just like that Lily Collins girl! I sware you guys are twins!"
I laugh because I don't see how we look alike at all.
"We don't really look a like, but she's just so pretty. I would love to be her twin!" I laugh
"Nah, you're more beautiful."
I blush. And give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you Harry."

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