Chapter 13: First Date pt. 2

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Harry's POV

We walk into the fancy restraunt. Yes, I know it's very cliche but I think she'll really like this. I want to impress Emily. Besides being gorgeous, she's so funny and smart. I'm not. Heck, I don't even know why she agreed to go on this date.

The waiter takes us to our table. I pull her chair out for her and push her in. We sit down and the waiter takes our orders.

I've never really been this nervous before. I screwed up before and that wasn't even a date. It was with her friend and my sister! I can't mess this up.

"So you lived in Michigan before?"
"I've heard great things about it. Why did you move?"
I instantly regret asking that. By the look on her face I can tell this is a touchy subject.
"Well I just felt like I needed to get away. Go somewhere new."
"I see. Same reason why I left England. Needed a get away."
The waiter brings us our food. I'm praying the food is good. I really don't want to mess this up.

Emily's POV
So far the date has been really good. I just hope he didn't notice anything when he asked me about Michigan. But we've had fun, we talked about music. Books. Everything.

"So where do you work? The only place I see you in is at the diner." I laugh.

"Well I'm still going to the University. But right now I work at the book store." Harry answers looking a little embarrassed.

"You're a nerd." I laugh at him
"Hey! You said you like books too! I can give you a discount." he winks.

Harry's POV

"So has this been a pretty good first date?" I ask.

"The best" she answers, "But only because the food here is delicious." She laughs

"Hey! Well I'm glad this has been a good date, even if it is because of the food."

"No, really Harry, this has been the best. I'm having a lot fun. All the other dates I've been on have been horribile. Either the guy is just really stupid, or gross. One time the guy didn't even show up!" She laughs

"Well I don't get how a guy could ever do that to you. I would never do that to someone. Especially you, Emily."
She smiles.

I pay and we walk out of the restraunt. It's cold outside so I give her my jacket. Yes once again cliche. I know.

"Harry that place was expensive! Why didn't you let me pay?!"
"A lady never pays on a date." I reply.

We drive around and she begs me to plug her phone in for music. I finally say yes and she blasts Taylor Swift.

She's singing along to the song. Smiling and laughing. Her voice is beautiful. She's beautiful. Right now she looks the prettiest I've ever seen her. Not caring about anything. Letting herself go. Being carefree. Yes she's stunning all the time. But in times like right now she's most beautiful.

I go in the cold stone drive thru. She orders mint chocolate chip and I just order a chocolate.
"We go to Cold Stone and chocolate is the flavor you pick. Why not something more exciting!" She teases me
"I just bought you dinner and Ice cream and I'm letting you blast Taylor Swift in my car. What more do you want from me?!" I laugh.

As we get into Emily's neighborhood Shake it off. comes on. I can't help it. It's so catchy, I sing along. Emily notices me singing alone and she laughs. I pull in her driveway. I walk around and open her door for her. I walk her up to her doorstep.

"I had a really great time Harry. Thank you so much."
"No problem. I had fun too. In glad you did. and I gotta admit, Taylor Swift isn't that bad."
"I told you!" She teases.
I smile and accidentally stare a little but too long. She's just so pretty. Pull her close and kiss her.
Her lips taste like mint. Oh shoot I probably have lasagna breath.
I pull away.
"Bye Harry."
"Bye Em."

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