(MM) Donatello x frog mutant 2

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I actually haven't watched mm yet but I know most scenes from YouTube

Y/N pov

"Y/N where the hell have you been!" My brother yells as I walk inside.

"I was hanging out with Donnie, 'superfly' you can chill out"

"Why did you say superfly like that? And who is Donnie?!"

"I said superfly with a tone because it's a weird name, you're not super bother. And Donnie is my friend he's a turtle mutant"

"There's more mutants?!"

"Yeah, about 4 more. 3 are turtles and ones a rat"

"A rat?"

"Yeah well I haven't seen him but he's Donnie's dad and the rest are his brothers"

"Oh.. interesting. Anyways get to bed now." He barked orders at me "and where are your prosthetics?"

"In my bag 'dad'" I walked away giggling.

"Goodnight y/n"

"Goodnight fly"

I closed the door and collapsed in my bed. I cuddled a pillow. Wait did I think this was Donnie?!

Time skip

"Y/N wake up, you have school."

"I don't wanna"

"I don't care" my brother ripped the blanket off me. "Why the hell you cuddling a pillow?"

"Get out!"


He left. I got out of bed and put my prosthetics on, it made me look completely human. I put on my wig and brush it. I then do my make up. I grab my laptop, phone and headphones.

I walk out to the kitchen to see the rest of the mutants mingling. They all said good morning and bye as I left but grabbed an apple for breakfast.

I walk to in-front of a nice house so people on the bus think I don't live in an abandoned place. The bus pulls up and I got on. People were yelling and throwing stuff.

I walk up to the back and sit with my nerd friends. Our bus is different we make the popular kids sit at the front but that's because my friend Angela got into a fight with this girl Becky and Angela won so all the popular are scared of her. That might also be because Becky went to hospital and was in a coma for 2 months.

The bus stops outside our school and I get off and walk to my locker. I see more graffiti on aprils locker. I write on there 'puke girl' she and I were very different and actually we hated each other. I open my locker and see my books are gone.

"What the fuck!" I turn to see Becky throwing books in the bin laughing with her friends "Becky! Did you just throw my fucking books in the bin?!" I storm up to her, peoples phones come out and they start recording.

"Oops, those were yours?"

"They had my fucking name on it you blind bitch!" A bunch of 'oooos' come from the crowd around us.

"You can just buy more, scince you're obviously rich, I mean look at your house"

"Well.. I- I can't ok?! Those books are filled with all my notes, drawings and other private stuff!"

"You mean your 'vent book'?"

"What did you do with it?!"

"I read it, wow I can't believe you cut yourself. I mean you don't look like the type of person to, but you continue to supprise."

I feel my fist go in a ball.

"Oh and another supprise! Y/N things she's a frog-" I punch her in the face and get ontop of her after she falls. I continue to hit her one of her teeth fell out. She was bleeding in the nose but I didn't care.

I hit harder and realised she stopped moving. I look around to see people staring at me like I'm a monster. I look at my hands. Bruised and swollen. I look at Becky who is barley breathing.

I get off her and run to the bathroom. I rush into a stall and start crying. I'm shaking and sobbing.

"Are you ok?" A voice in the stall next to me spoke up.

"Yeah- I'm fine"

"Whatever you say" her voice sounded familiar but I don't know how.

We sat and talked for 10 minutes before I asked her to come into my stall. I opened it and saw April.



"Leave me alone!" I slam the door in her face.

"It's not like I wanna be around you!" She left.

I start sobbing more, i call donnie.


Hey what's up?

I just like bashed a girl

Oh my gosh! Why?!

She threw all my books out and told everyone about me being a frog

Is she ok?!

She is hardly breathing, Donnie can I please come over?

Ofc but you have to be quiet.

Thank you I'll see you soon. Love you


Oh um nothing!

I hung up quickly, did I just say love you?!?! What the fuck. I got out of my stall putting my hood up. I look in the mirror my black ripped jeans blended with my black hoodie.

I walk out of the bathroom and hide my face. I see people staring and I put my headphones on. Before going to my locker to grab my bag. I put on Spotify.

I start to walk but feel a hand on me. I turn to see my principal.

"Oh fuck" I blurted out.

I start to run down the halls to the doors. I run down the street and through some alley way. I notice the same sewer cover. I open it and jump in. I guess listening to RUNRUNRUN really does make me run.

I turn off Spotify and walk into Donnie's living room. I notice the light is on and I look to see a giant rat watching karate kid. I shrug and saw Donnie who was eating some food. I messaged him. He looked at his phone and looked up at me in the sewer pipe.

He walks over to me and picks me up to hide me from his dad. We go to his room and I see Mikey and Raph comparing their asses. They notice me and Donnie.

"Hey recon I have more Gyatt then Raph?" Mikey asked me. I giggled.

"No Raph definitely has more." I sat on Donnie's bed taking off my prosthetics.

"Woah I totally thought you were a human"

"You'd ask a random human that your brother brought home if she thinks you have Gyatt?"

"Yes." Mikey said like nothing was wrong with that.

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