(BV) mikey x fem reader

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This one is gonna be so cute y'all 😭

3rd person pov

"Dudes what if april had a sister" Mikey flew into the living room on his skateboard. "And she was just hiding her away"

"That's ridiculous, April would tell us." Leo scoffed at his younger brothers theory.

"I mean I don't have a sister I have a cousin." April walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "I'm an only child"

"Lucky" Raph muttered but Leo heard and shot him a look.

Raphael rolled his eyes and went to his room. Donnie had his nose in his phone. Mikey was being loud and asking about aprils cousin. Leo was focusing of raphael. He knew Raph likes being alone but, raphael is his brother. Leo got up and left to talk to raph.

"What's her name april?!"


"Is she pretty?"

"You know I can just invite her over, she lives in the same apartment building as me, our mothers wanted us to be close. Just incase anything goes south"

"YES!" He jumped around hearing that.

"I'll invite her over for dinner, Pizza?"

"You know it" he giggled and ran to his room.

"What? Uh yeah whatever Leo says is probably right" donnie said randomly with his head stuck in his phone.

"What?" April questioned the purple turtles weird behaviour but brushed it off.

With mikey

"I wonder what she looks like!" He ran around his room finding cologne and jewellery.

"Is this too much?" He asked himself.

He looked in his mirror, he had a gold chain he found and had Dior cologne he stole while a shop was being robbed. Finders keepers, he giggled to himself.

"Mike?" Raphael walks in.

"Hey bro, what up?"

Raphael walked in and sat on his youngest brothers bed. His head collapsed into his hands.

"You good?"

"Do you... ever wish we were normal?"

"Like human normal?"


"I mean, I never really thought of it." Mikey said putting his nun-chucks on his desk. "I guess it would be nice"

Raphael got up and left. He left mikey puzzled.

"What's wrong bro?" He muttered.

"MIKEY!" He heard April yell.

"One second!" He sprayed some breath mint into his mouth hoping her cousin would be there.

He ran out to the living room and saw a girl. She had an orange skirt, a white shirt and curly hair. She was beautiful. Her eyes... the were filled with love, he could see that.

"What is that April?!"

"He's a turtle and his name is mi-"

"Michelangelo, pleasure" he ran over and kissed her hand.

"Oh Uh... I'm y/n"

"April told me already" he said with a big smile.

"I'll let you two mingle, I'm gonna go talk to splinter."

April walked away, y/n stood there. Mikey went and sat on the sofa.

"Come sit, I won't bite"

She came over and sat away from him. She looked uncomfortable, he didn't know what to do.

"What's your favourite movie?"

"Venom, and i love Eddie so much, but he has to deal with venoms crap but it's whatever, venom is so-" she cut herself off realising she was ranting.

"So, what?" Wanting her to continue.

"I didn't wanna rant you know?"

"No it's completely fine!" He smiled at her. "Oh are you thirsty or hungry?"

"Just water please"

"Are you sure? Leo and Donnie went out yesterday and restocked our sodas"

"Leo and Donnie?"

"My older brothers"

"How many of there are you?"

"Four turtles, including me, and our dad he's a rat."

"Oh, um what's their names?"

"The oldest is raphael, second is Leonardo, third is donatello and fourth is me, the youngest. And our dads name is splinter."

"Oh cool, oh and yeah I guess I'll have some Soda, got coke?"

"Of course we have coke!"

"The drink right?" She giggled.

"Woah who do you think I am?" He jokingly acted hurt.

She giggled as he left to get her a drink. She sat on the sofa alone, hearing things being thrown around.

"I guess that's normal?" She said to herself. "Huh... turtles but why do I feel... not weirded out I feel happy?"

"Talking to yourself?" Mikey came back with two glass bottles of coke.

"Here" he passed one to her.

"Thank you, Angelo"

Mikey stopped drinking and looked at her.

"What?" He asked.

"I said thank you Angelo, is that a problem?"

"What- oh no it's not, no one has called me that."

"Oh I'm sorry"

"No don't be, it's cute"

"Oh haha" she smiled showing her pearly whites.

She was a beauty and he was the beast... he doubted that she would like him. I mean he fell in love at the sight of her. Her curls, her shape and she seems like he has a good personality.

"I'd love to talk to you more" she put her hand on his.

"Uh- yeah me too" he felt fuzzy, his body was shaking by her touch. "Here's my number"

He passed her his phone, she entered the number into her phone. Then she got a call.

"Hello?" She asked. "It's my boss one second"

She got up and left. Michelangelo melted into the sofa. His heart was warm, was he in love?

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