(BV) Leo x Trans Masc Reader singer

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Hey y'all anywho 14 more chapters after this one so enjoy

y/n pov

"I'm so nervous!" i tell my mum.

I'm gonna go on stage soon, less than 2 minutes. She puts her arm around me. It's my first tour. She gave me a hug.

"you will be fine my baby" she kissed my forehead.

"Sir, you are on" one of the producers came over.

Walking onto the stage I saw around 3 million people. The moonlight shined down on them. i spoke into the mic i was handed.

"Hello New York!" i squealed. "The first concert of my world tour and there's so many of you!"

Cheers when around the crowd I heard someone say marry me. Wow new york is down bad.

"well here goes nothing" I muttered and signaled the sound crew.

"The blue stars running on my forehead" i began, people screamed.

"Cold wings fluttering and moving. Mushrooms everywhere I'm turning. Laced with love, intensive grooving"

"They said, they said I know how to make you go crazy every day. Ooh-ah, ooh-ah, Tease your mind and trick you, you really wanna stay
Ooh-ah, ooh-ah"

"I know the way to make you lose your pace
Your trace, your trace" I was Still thinking about the people on the roof. If you wanna ride with the magic. Lose sight of the gravity of weight. Lips of sugar, I'm breathing the pheromones again ooh-ah, ooh-ah"

The crowd was getting uneasy. Then everyone heard a blood curdling scream. Everyone started to run and I was taken off stage by security. I saw my mum on the phone.

"Mum what happened?"

"this 'foot clan' thing happened, they just killed someone and they are after you" Tears swelled in her eyes.

"oh ma" I gave her a hug.

Leonardos POV

"why are we here?" raphael asked for the third time."i have things to do"

"What slack off?" I asked him turning around. "plus i told you Y/N L/n is in danger the Foot clan want to hold him for ransom."

"Why's she so important shes is just a singer?" he argued.

"He." I corrected.


Y/n has made it clean many times she is now a he, And he is trans, I know raphael isn't transphobic I guess he just....doesn't care?

I tried to ignore him. Mikey was vibing then we heard a scream. The crowd was uneasy and it began to scatter. We saw a foot clan member with someone's head.

"Let's roll." i stay jumping off unsheathing my katanas.

I heard my 3 brothers follow me. Raph was still muttering. I ignored it because of the mission we have to complete. Protect Y/n even if it meant showing our self to him.

I landed next to the stage, people were rushing to emergency exits. My brothers landed besides me and held out their weapons. Foot clan soldiers ran toward us and we began to battle. I knocked out 7 before I was hit in the head.

I fell to the floor and watched my brothers fight, I stood up and fell again. My head felt fuzzy, I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I heard a soft voice to my left.

I looked and saw y/n. I think he could tell I was practically gawking at him. His beautiful eyes stuck to mine.

"Sir?" He asked again. I shook my head and grabbed my katanas.

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