(MM) raph x fighter afternath

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Y/n pov

I walked into school after not being there for 2 weeks because of the fight. Everyone stared at me like I was a monster. I'm not a monster. He is.

I walk to my locker and open it. There was a harsh stench of rotten food, mold and my books were literally growing mushrooms on them. What the fuck!

I turn around and look down the halls. I see him, the fucking turtle laughing with his dickhead friends. I walk over to him ready to fight again.

"Ew what's that smell" he laughed as I approached him.

"Yeah I wonder..." I look up then back at him. "It might be you fucking sewer scrap!" I kick him in the groin.

He groaned and pulled my hair holding it in a fist. I look up at him. Well damn. Enemies to lovers? I'm kidding but I never actually looked at him like that. He noticed I was staring and dropped me on the floor.

"Piss off!" He walked away.

His friends laughed at me and walked away with him. He looked back at me. I looked down. What am I doing?! I bashed his ass!

"Are you ok?" A girl behind me asked. Oh great. April O'Neill.

"Yeah I'm fine." I got up after I said that bluntly.

"I heard about you and Raph, I know he's my friend but he should've done that to you."

"Yeah whatever" I push past her and head to class.

I look around and there he is. Raphael in my seat. I walk up to him and hear the 'ooooos'.

"You're in my seat."

"Where's your name?"

"Right there" I point to the leg of the chair. "Now move."

"Or what? You gonna give me another concussion?"

"I could... or I could send you to hospital." I cross my arms. "Your choice"

"I choose... neither. Fuck off." He scoffed.

"I said fucking move!" I yelled at him.

"Calm down!" He yelled back at me. "Is it that time of the month?"

I felt my knuckles tighten. He didn't just say that did he? I look at the girls in my class. They are laughing too. Bro what you also get it.

"You know what helps with your period" he whispered in my ear as he got out of my seat.

Oh please don't say it I prayed to myself.

"Sex" he whispered as his hand's massaged my shoulders.

I almost vomited. Bro what we are 16 calm down. My face went bright red as I sat down. What the actual fuck. I got my book out and saw paper fall out. It was a phone number. Of for fuck sake!

I rip it up and look around. My eyes caught sight of Raph writing a note. He passed it to people and it ended up to me. Again his fuckung number. I write on the note and throw it at him.

The teacher yelled at me and asked Raph to read it. He stood up proud.

"I wrote my number on this bit of paper and passed it to y/n..." he started. "And she said. 'Go fuck yourself you green, mold covered, play dough ass cunt xoxo'. "

Everyone started laughing. I was death stared by the teacher.

"Go outside y/n!" He yelled at me.

"Oh get fucked!" I picked up my stuff and walked to the door. "Oh and Raph, you give me your number again ill call the police, my aunt - shes a lawyer keep that in mind, and i will sue for harassment, emotional damages and whatever else i can rob you for." I smile and left.

I walked down the halls to my locker to clean it. I open it and it was clean. I saw a note.


Y/n I'm sorry I shouldn't have turned your locker into a bacteria farm. Anyways here's my number.

"Ew." I throw it away.

"I took time writing that." I jump and see Raph leaning on a locker.

"Raphael please leave me alone."

"Sorry no can do..." he walked closer to me. "You see, ever since I pinned you underneath me I couldn't stop thinking of you."

"I- that's your problem"

"It will soon be yours." He kissed my cheek and left.

I stood there. Flabbergasted. I saw him walk away back to class. What the hell? I mean he's a good kisser I guess. But I hate him! I think? I walked back into class the teacher grabbed my arm tight and dragged me to a corner.

"i don't know what's gotten into you but you better stop this attitude!" he screamed into my face.

I hate when people yell at me, I began to cry.

"that won't work on me now sit your ass down!" he yelled again.

I sat in my chair and raph came over.

"are you ok y/n?" he put a hand on my shoulder.

"do i look ok?"

"No I'm sorry" he sat next to me. "and i'm sorry for harassing you all the time"

"do you really mean that?" i wiped my eyes glancing at him.

"no!" he got up laughing.

More tears fell from my eyes. I should never have trusted him in the slightest. I slam my head on the desk. The class was loud as hell. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

I woke up in a bed and ew- i smell sewage, not that bad but you can smell it. i look around and see a red bandana around a pole on the bed frame. Great, I see 3 other beds, purple, blue and orange. Fucking turtles.

"oh fuck me" I mutter jumping down off the top bunk.

"that can be arranged" i jump and see raph walking into the bedroom. 

"You're so gross! why am I in your house? I need to get home!"

"whatever" he stood in front the door.

"you know i can beat your ass right?"

"yeah and i can beat you somewhere else but that wont happen" He chuckled and got out of the way jumping up to his bed.

"you're actually disgusting." I walk to the door. "bye raph"

I leave closing the door, upon entering the living room / kitchen area i hear splinter.

"i really like y/n , and raphael likes her too in a romantic way."

I look and see him talking to his sons as he made dinner. I walk in and leo looks at me. 

"thank you for letting me stay" i look at splinter as i head out.

"come over anytime." I heard him comment hes not one to like humans but its whatever.

I walked home and fell into my bed as soon as i saw it. I think i like raphael.....

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