(BV) Raph x human reader

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It's canon that the turtles are 15 years old but for our sake their almost 19 cus I might do some smut🤭🤭🤭🤭

"watch where you are going you fuck wit!" I yell at someone in their motorbike.

It was 11pm and I was trying to get home, I study zoology. I'm top of my class, I also do karate and boxing. I'm top of my class in those too. I continue walking and hear gunshots.

I dive to the ground and cover my head. I peak and see 4 big creatures fighting what it looks like to be THE FOOT CLAN?! I didn't get at good look at them but the 4 were pretty big, like the were 6 foot and really muscular!

I get up and decided to follow them. I saw then go ontop of a building. I climb up a ladder and stop when I hear voices.

"Did you see that container fly?!" I hear someone say. I peak over and see 4 giant turtles?!

I take a photo and realise my flash was on. They all freeze. I try to climb down but a chain wrapped around me and I scream. I landed on my stomach but I got up and stood in a fighting stance.

"Give me the phone" one turtle stands in front of me.

"Oo look he's doing his Batman voice" another giggled.

"You want my phone? Come get it." I shove it in my bra then get back to my fighting stance. He tries to grab me but I jump back.

"You're a quick one"

"No, you're just slow" I tease. We fought for a few minutes then he got a hold of me. "What you gonna out your hand up my shirt?"

"I could or you could." He puts his sharp weapon up to my neck. "Give me the phone"

"Fine" I reach into my shirt then pull my hand out with my middle finger pointing at him. "Oops"

"Enough screwing around just being her back to home."

"I'm not going home with a bunch of mutant turtles!" I get out of the guy in reds grip. "You can't make Me!" I move away.

"Right." The guy in red picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Let me down you cunt!"

"I can put her to sleep" a turtle with glasses says.

"No it's fine, I like her voice" the guy carrying me says.

"At least tell me your name before I go home with you" I made it sound as sexual as possible.



"That's donatello in the purple, Michelangelo in the orange and Leonardo in the blue."

"You're named after artist from the renaissance"

"Yes ma'am" Mikey started talking "hey are you single by any chance?"

"Yes and I'm not going to date a turtle"

"Oh, but you're flirting with Raph!"

"Yeah but that's because he wanted to reach in my bra"

"What if I do?"

"I'll call the police"

"No fair"

20 minutes later

"Donnie is he here?" Leo asked him.

"My scanners indicate that there's a 79% change that there's a 62% that he's not here."

The turtles get out of the big sewer pipe. And start putting their wepons on the wall. And start talking about a hashi? I don't know man. It sounds weird. They start arguing till donnie speaks up.

"Guys... we got a boggey" we turn around and see a rat man with a torch.

"WHY IS THERE A GIANT MOTHERFUCKING RAT!" I hug Raph tight while he holds me.

"Why is there a human here!" The rat yells.

"Dad this is y/n she took a photo of us and won't give us the phone"

"Then take it from her?"

"It's in my bra" I laugh. "And any of you wanna touch under my shirt I'm going to grab Leo's Katanas, Donnie's Bo staff and stick it up your ass so hard I mix your organs around and you die."

"Is that a threat?" The rat man walks up to me.

I jump out of Raphs arms and I get into a fighting stance. My brother who calls himself The Shredder trained me, I can beat the rat for sure.

The rat hit me with his tail. I fall but get back up. I flip and side kick him in the head. He fell an bit but didn't hit the ground. He fought back. He was stronger than I thought.

"Dad stop!" Raph jumps in between us.

"Why do you care about a human so much?!"

"Because shes beautiful and perfect and I really think that we-" Raph stops and realised what he said. "Because I need her phone"

Everyone but the rat starts laughing.

"If she doesn't anything or leads anyone here I will kill her" the rat walked off.

"So, I'm beautiful and perfect" I run a finger across his jawline.

"I- no!"

"So I'm ugly?"

"What no!"

"That what is it raphie?"

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