(ROT) raph x fem reader FLUFF

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you are at a convention dressed up at princess peach and your older brother (marcus) is cosplaying Luigi. You run Into Raph and his brothers.

Btw the apartment mentioned in this is real. Like how do people afford that.😭

Y/n pov

"Marcus look!" I shout pointing at the giant stuffed bear. "That's like 7 feet tall!"

"If only you were tall enough to grab it" he teased me.

"Ha ha" I rolled my eyes. "Let's go over here"

I saw a candy stand. And dragged my brother over.

"Here." I got money out from my wallet. "Get us something"

"K" he got in line.

I wandered off. Not to far away I found still see my brother. Suddenly I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry-" I looked up fixing my tiara. "Woah..."

"I'm so sorry ma'am"

I looked around him and saw 3 more guys as turtles.

"Don't me sorry big guy. I love the costumes. Is it like bowser or?"

"No ma'am"

I walked around him admiring it. He seemed nervous and I giggled.

"What's your name sweetie?" I look up at him.

"R- raphael" his cheeks tinned pink as he stuttered.

"Well Raphael, I'm Princess peach,
but you can call me y/n"

He smiled at me and chuckled a bit. A cough came from behind him. We looked and saw one in a blue bandanna.

"Raph- oh! Hello Señorita" he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

I wiped my hand on my dress. "I'm sorry to bother you raphael."

"No- I it's ok!" He awkwardly apologised.

"Hey y/n" my brother walked over with about 10kgs worth of candy. "Sup"

"Marcus! That's so much!" I hit him up the back of the head lightly.

"You left me unsupervised."

"Youre 19!"


"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Raph do you think I could have your number? I'd love to talk more"

"I uh- sure!" His hand shook as he held his phone out.

"I'll see you later"

"Hey! What if we just hang out!" The one in orange suggested.

"I'm down" Marcus shoved candy in his mouth.

Everyone agreed and we walked around. His brothers introduced themselves to my brother and I. While they when you hang out I went to the game areas. I looked at the teddy again. Raph noticed me staring and got it down. He handed it to me.

"Thank you Raph" I got on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek of his costume. "Can I see your face?"

"Youre uh, you're looking at it" he mumbled.

I heard it though, and my eyes widened. I stumbled back a little. His eyes darted to the floor in embarrassment.

"Are you serious?" I ask in full curiosity.

"Look i know you think I'm a freak but-"

"I don't think that." I cut him off. "I think it's pretty cool."

"Really?" His red cheeks comeback.

"Really." I give him a hug. "Snapping turtle?"

"Yeah" he chuckled.

"I'd love to hang out more, where do you live?"

"Uh New York."

"Yo me too, Manhattan."

"Oh same yeah."

He was hiding something. I brushed it off. Donatello offered us a ride home because we said we were taking the bus back into the city. We agreed and after the convention was over we piled into their 'turtle tank'

"May I sit there raphael?" I pointed next to him.

"Yes of course!" He cheered. "I mean uh yeah sure. I don't care"

I giggled sitting down. I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt goose bumps grow. His body went stiff as I felt his warm skin. I saw Marcus and Leo giggling at him. Eventually we got to our apartment.

"Woah." Mikey spoke up. "How much is the rent?!"

"Only seven hundred and sixty thousand a month." I answered him. "It's not that much"

"Not that much?! That's so much!" Donnie's head was gonna explode at the price.

"Would you like to come in?" I offer.

They all agreed. We got into the elevator. Marcus pressed floor 60. It was ours.

"So do you guys have a pent house?" Mikey shook my arm.

"Sort off, I mean we have the entire top floor to ourselves and a balcony"

"Man I wish we didn't live in the sewers!" He pouted.

"You live in the sewers?" Marcus asked them.

That's what Raph was hiding. They kinda ignored him but we knew the answer. They came inside and made themselves at home. Raph fell inlove with my punching back.

"You like it?" I walked over to him as he punched it.

"Yeah it a good bag."

"She was 200 dollars, you better like it"

"I love it" he punched it and snapped off the chain. "My bad"

"Don't stress I'll put it back up later."

I walked into the kitchen.

"Are you boys hungry?"



"Yes please y/n"

Their voices synced. I chuckled and mikey ran into the kitchen.

"Can I help?"

"Of course"

We made dinner, spaghetti. Marcus and I watched donnie swallow it hole and froze staring at him.

"What?" he asked "soft shell Turtles swallow their prey whole"

"Yeah but that's not your prey, that's dinner"

"Same thing different concept"

"Bro what?" Marcus asked and shoved pasta in his mouth chewing as he spoke.

"Marcus, manners" I kick him under the table.

After dinner I sat in my room with Raph. He was on the bean bag in the corner. I sat up on my bed.

"You're actually really cute you know that?"

"What?" He asked me.

I got up and walked over. I sat on his lap. His hands held me.

"I said you're really cute"

His face went red. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. He was shocked but kissed me back. My hand cupped the sides of his face. His held my hips.

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