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I'm feeling really low rn, my self esteem has like ran away. And I know other kids have it worse but I have struggled with depression since year 3 but was only diagnosed in year 7 because of the enormous amount of neglect  i had received in that time period.

To make all those years worse I was raped by who i thought was a nice man in year 4. He lived with us because his girlfriend kicked him out. Then everything went down hill. It took me till year 8 to actually talk about all of this. That event was the first time I ever cut myself.

And after he did that I was really distant from my family which angered all of them and I attempted to run away. I failed and my dad found me. Threw me across my bedroom. I hit my spine and I fractured a bone I know I did. Though my parents never took me to a hospital.

And this one time, i broke my foot and my mum said I was being dramatic. It took her 3 months to get it looked at. See I love my parent but they don't see the impact it has on me.

I am the middle child. But I'm not ignored all attention is on me but it's mainly because they want me to clean or I'm getting yelled at. I try so hard in school and I get Bs and that might sound bad but out of my 4 siblings I am the smartest and that the highest grade in my house.

Nothing is ever good enough for anyone and I just want to kill myself. Lol 3rd times the charm.

I'm kidding suicide isn't something to joke about but when you struggle with it and you can't cry in fear of getting screamed at laughing helps.

And I apologise if anyone else is or has been in my situation before I'm so sorry.

And I also apologise if I have triggered anyone.

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