(BV) raph x fem reader SMUT

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This starts of a bit like fluff then it gets to smut❤️

Raphael's POV

I was waiting in my room for y/n to come over. She wanted me to teach her how to play games on my Xbox and I didn't mind. I popped a piece of gum in my mouth and turned on my Xbox and waited for her.

Y/n pov

I walked down into the lair and saw Mike playing chess with April.

"Hey guys, is Raph in his room?"

"Oh hi y/n and yeah he's in there" April smiled at me.

"Thanks" I said.

I walked down the hallway and knocked on Raphael's door. He opened it and let me in. I observed his room. His bed had dark blue sheets and he had some stuffed animals.

"Those are cute" I pointed them out.

He looked embarrassed. I walked around more and sat on his bed. He passed me his Xbox controller.

"Oh you're gonna teach me now?" I held the white controller.

"I mean why not?"


He got into his bed and leaned on the wall it was along side. He grabbed my wait and put me between his legs. His arms stayed wrapped around me and he put his chin on top of my head. I smiled and looked at the screen.

"Ok so what do I do"

"You're making your character at the moment so choose a name and put it in."

I did as he said and entered my name.

"And now you can design it" he pointed at the options. "Choose your hair, age, eye colour, face shape, and all that stuff"

"Oh Ok" I said as his hands went under my shit and held my breasts. "You seem to like them a lot" I teased him.

He rested his head between my neck and shoulder. His breathing was calm I could fell his heart beat on my back. I finished my character.

"Raphael, I'm done" I smiled.

He looked up and then spoke. "Now you can join a game" he pointed to the menu.

I joined and spawned in a grass field. I walked around and saw a horse.


"There was a horse on the loading screen, fuck you mean I didn't tell you?"

"Oh, my bad" I giggled and he kissed my neck. "So what do I do?"

"You can" he left a hickey on me. "pull out a gun" he showed me the buttons.

I got out a shotgun. And shot a bird in the sky.

"And run over to it" I did what he said. "You can skin it"

I pressed the 'x' button and skinned it, I pulled out its feathers and got meat off it.

"I don't like that" I said. "I know the birds are fake but there's blood"

"You can get off if you want you don't have to play red dead." He told me.

I got out of the game and looked at the ones he had. They seemed boring-

"FORTNITE?!" I shouted. "Oh sorry"

"Nah don't worry, you can play Fortnite"

"I'm gonna log into my account because I'm level 57 and I need to grind"

"You can grind on me" he bit my neck and whispered.

"Maybe later" I said focusing on the game.

I felt him squeeze my boobs. It tickled, he then took off my bra and toyed with my nipples. I didn't mind, I was playing Fortnite.

"And you're dead" I said absolutely shitting on a whole squad.

"You're good at Fortnite" Raphael said taking my shirt off. "Is this ok?"

"What? Oh yeah I don't mind do what you want" I smiled at him.

He bit down hard on my shoulder and sucked down on it. He left multiple hickeys on me. I didn't care not like I had parents that search me every day.

I won the match and started emoting. I hit the griddy on the person I killed.

"Did you see that?" I pointed. "I won"

"Yeah I saw, now you get a reward"

He threw me down on my back and got on top of me. He held himself up so he didn't crush me. My breasts bounced as I hit the mattress. He pinned my hands up and kissed my lips.

He placed a line of hickeys down my neck and down to my lower abdomen. He took off my sweat pants and saw I had no underwear. He rubbed my clit with his thumb.

It was so sensitive it make my spine shiver. He pushed a finger into me. His hands were huge his fingers were big too. It felt like a normal sized dick inside me but it was just his finger.

I moaned as he fingered me. I felt my pussy getting wetter by the second. I threw my head back and opened my mouth. He moved his fingers like waved and went fast. My clit was still being rubbed and toyed with by his thumb.

He went faster and faster. My legs were shaking, I felt my wetness leak on to his bed. He thrusted his fingers in and out. I felt like two dicks were in me. I moaned loudly as he hit my g spot. He noticed and continued touch it. I arched my back and moaned loudly.

"I- I'm gonna cum!" I moaned.

"That's ok, cum for me baby" He said going to work on me.

He slammed his fingers into me and that was it. My eyes rolled back to my head as I came. My back was arching like I was a gymnast. I laid back down and breathed heavily. I looked down at him. He licked my cum off his fingers.

He moved his arm and I saw my juices all over the lower half of his plastron. He looked down and saw it.

"I want to lay with you for a bit, then we'll clean." He grabbed my waist and spooned me.

"That felt.. amazing" I said catching my breath. "I love you raphael."

"I love you too y/n."

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