(BV) mikey x stockman sister

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Y/n pov

"HURRT IT UP GET THOSE GUNS READY!" I scream orders at the foot clan soldiers.

"Y/n how you losing up?" My brother walked up and gave me a hug.

"I'm ok do my worry biggie" I reply, biggie is his little nickname because he's my big bro. "I am just worried about you and shredder, I think he is gonna turn against you"

"What makes you think that?"

"I saw on a note-" I pulled it out of my pocket. "He wants to keep us in Tokyo before the portal opens"

"Oh shit... y/n it's ok you have a tracker on me"

"Yeah but like... if we get separated forever?" I hugged him again.

"You'll be fine" he hugged me back. "But I need you to take care of those turtles"

"Will do biggie"

"I'll see you later y/n" he placed a kiss on my forehead and walked away to grab his glasses.

"Commander we are ready" a soldier walks over to me.

"Great" I say bluntly and follow them to the trucks.

We all climb into the trucks.

1 hour later

We have set up in the abandoned storage unit. Bebop and rock were waiting incase of intruders. I stayed with karai. She was a good friend.

"Should I get a gun?" I ask her.


"Incase if there are people and they try to hurt you I can shoot them?"

"You don't know how to use one" she laughed a bit.

"What are you talking about man I was shooting people in COD"

"Oh my lord y/n"

We burst out laughing. I grab a katana instead. I'm good with swords. Sometimes I pretend I'm a jedi and the katana is my lightsaber.

"Hey y/n?" Karai looked at me.

"What's up?"

"What if I told you I.... I have feelings for sensei shredder?"

"OH MY GOD WHAT?!" I start jumping around her. "FOR REAL?!"


We burst out laughing and stop when I hear an explosion downstairs.

"Their here"

I grab my katana and protect karai while she looks after the portal.

"They are hear earlier than expected shredder has gone through yet" she panics.

"Tell him to get his ass over here with my brother!" I scream at her.

"Yes commander!" She gets into a com.

I see a girl and 'the falcon'. I hold my sword like how Ahsoka tano does.

"That's not a practical way to hold a katana." The girl says with a cocky attitude.

"That's not a practical outfit." I spat at her.

The falcon tried to hit me. I kick him and put the bed of my blade towards his neck. I look at him and then the girl she put her hands up.

I was about to slide the sword across his neck to slit it. Then I was hit over the head. I look to see shredder and my brother. Soldiers were dragging biggie to a car.

"Leave her.. she is worthless" shredder packed up everything then jumped into the portal before everything went black.

After the turtles win

I woke up in a- A BED?!

I jump awake and stand in a fighting stance. I look and see the girl, the falcon and great the turtles. Michelangelo noticed me.

"You're awake"

"No shit genius"

"Actually donatello is the genius"

"Actually my brother is!" I argue, my brother graduated MIT at 15! And this turtle got no education.

"Who's your brother?" Donatello walked up to me.

"Doctor Baxter Stockman." I say bluntly.

"So you- you're y/n stockman?" The purple one's voice shakes.

"The one and only" I smirk.

"Hey isn't stockman that weird science guy or something bro?" Michelangelo asked confused

"Yes Mikey that's him" he was hit up the back of the head with the purples Bo staff.

"Y/n I'm sorry... you're brother I believe he was KIA." Donnie kneels down.

"No!" Tears form. "NO HES NOT I SAW HIM!"

"Maybe you are delusional, maybe it was from the concussion you got"


"Until we find him... if he wasn't KIA then you can stay with us." Leonardo walks over to the bed im in. "It will take time for you to trust us. And it will take time for us to trust you but... I can assure you we will not harm you."

"I- I can't" I back into the corner of the bed.

"Take your time y/n." Michelangelo placed a hand on my shoulder. "By the way you're on my bed. And I wanna sleep"


I say as he climbed into the massive bed. He layed with his back towards me. I felt comfortable around him already.

3 months later

It only took Mikey one week to trust me. It took 2 months for the the others. I really like Mikey I think I want to kiss him. Of course I do.

"Y'all I'm INLOVE this key!" Mikey cheers while riding his board in the air.

I watch amused. Raphael wants to put me in jail. I mean I was apart of the foot clan. I was a commander for crying out loud!

"Hey baby cakes!" I hear Mikey yell. I look up and see him staring at me. "Wanna try?!"

"No thank you darling"

"Darling?" April asked me.

My face when red I could feel my blood heating.

"So what!" I try to get her to think straight for once.

"Whatever.. anyways hang with your 'darling'" April made fun of me.

"Whatever" I say as she walked away. "Mikey is it ok is I use your phone real quick?"

"Yeah of course baby cakes" he flys around on his board a bit more.

"Stop calling me that!" I giggle.

"Can y'all get a room?!" Raph yells slamming his dumbbells down.

"Whatever" I mumble.

"Mikey?" I ask him.

"Yeah y/n?" He flys down to me and gets off his board.

"I love you"

"I- I love you t-"

I grab his face and kiss his lips with confidence. His hands went behind my neck. I pulled away.

"I love you too"

He kissed me again.

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