(BV) raph x singer

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3rd person pov

Y/n met Raph a few months ago. He saved her life when she was beeping held captive. Shredder used her a test subject he used a purple ooze and a green ooze. She never knew the names of the ooze.

Before she was captured she was going on tour around the world. Most of her songs were written about relationships that weren't so good. Although most were about family problems.

Raphael kept her in their lair while she recovered. She was singing more songs. After she got better and back of her feet she went back to her apartment. She told the news and her followers about what happened with shredder.

She didn't want to expose Raph so she said the police found her. It was all over the news and her agents asked if she wanted to go back on tour. She agreed. It took months to organise.

It also drew Raphael away from here. He tried to stay in contact. They adapted feeling for one another but it didn't go so smoothly. Him and his brothers were so busy trying to get shredder he never replied.

1 month has passed and she was preforming in New York. She hoped he would be there but not for the song she was going to sing.

Y/n pov

"Y/n you have 3 minutes" on of my staff said to me.

"Ok"I said looking in the mirror. I put on red lipstick. "Oh Raphael... I wish you were here"

I walk into stage and the lights follow me. The crowd screamed.

"I can't believe I am here" I spoke into the mic. "And I'm with the people who love me the most... 20 million people!"

The crowd cheers and screams as the lights dimmed. The music started. I took a deep breath.

"Uh huh uh huh"  I start.

"It always ends the same... when it was me and you."

The crowd was nice. They cheered me on.

"But every time I meet somebody new" I sang. "It's like déjà vu" the last line echoed.

"I swear they sound the same... it's like they know my skin."

"Every word they say sounds just like him, and it goes like this." I sang before the beat went up.

"We'll get in you car and you lean to kiss me"

"We'll talk for hours and lie on the backseat"

"Uh huh uh huh uh, uh huh uh huh"

"And the one random night when everything changes" I start to think of raph. "You won't reply and we'll go back to strangers"

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh
Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"It's something that I hate. How everyone's disposable."

"Every time I date somebody new."

"I feel vulnerable"

"That it'll never change. And it will stay like this." I take a breath. "Never end in' date and breakin' up"

I notice a giant figure. And then I see 3 more. The turtles. I see one stand up. He held up a wepon. It was raph!

"And it goes like this." I continue smiling.

"We'll get in you car and you'll lean to kiss me." I blow a kiss to him. "We'll talk for hours and lie on the back seat."

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh
Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"And the one random night when everything changes!" I look right at him. "You won't reply and we go back to strangers"

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"It always ends the same... when it was me and you!"

"But every time I meet somebody new" I sang. "It's like déjà vu" the last line echoed.

"And when we spoke for months..." I missed him so much. "Well did you ever mean it?"

"How can we say that this is love... when it goes like this?"

"We'll get in you car and you'll lean to kiss me." I made a heart with my hands and showed the crowd."We'll talk for hours and lie on the back seat."

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"And the one random night when everything changes!" I look at him again. "You won't reply and we go back to strangers"

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh... go back to strangers."

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh"

"Uh huh uh huh uh
uh huh uh huh... go back to strangers."

The music faded. I took a breath and looked down. The crowd was quiet. I look back up at them. And everyone starts cheering. People start to throw flowers. I drank some water and got ready for the next song.

2 hours later.

I finished my last song. I went back stage to my room. I saw a red bandanna. I look behind me a see raph. I run and hug him. He hugged me tight.

"I'm so sorry y/n"

"It's ok raph... I still love you" I look up at him.

He placed an kiss on my lips. I kissed back. Then we heard a cough. I look and see the other 3. I pull away.

"Sorry..." I look down. "What are you guys doing here anyways?!"

"Well..." Leo started.


"Are you serious?" I was supprised. "Does that mean..." I look back at raph.

"Yes y/n it does" he kissed me again.

I heard the others make vomiting sounds. I giggled while we kissed. They left as we started to make out. Donnie locked my door before he left incase my agents come in.

"I love you raph" I say pulling away and sitting on the sofa in my studio.

"I love you too y/n.." he kissed my forehead. "Is something wrong?"

"No I just..." I put a hand on my stomach. "I just thought our baby wouldn't have a dad." I looked up at him. His eyes grew wide.

"Wait what?!" He jumped up. "What how?!"

"IM KIDDING RAPH!" I burst out laughing.

"What- y/n that wasn't funny!" He complained sitting back down next to me. "If you want a kid we can but only if you want-"

"I want to.. but if it's ok with you?"

"I'm completely fine with it y/n"

We started to kiss again and my clothes ended up in the floor.

Anyways you guys fucked and I'm to lazy to write all that. Plus I haven't eaten all day and I don't wanna write all that still.

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