Chapter 6- Conjectures

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The sound of the bodies colliding at the bottom in the immense darkness caused a great echo along with the movement of the water in which they fell and in which they subsequently sank. Alex had fallen into a better position than Yuki had, sensing what she could have in that place, not being able to see anything and noticing the sound of water, and the non-existent smell of it. However, this did not prevent the pain from the impact from such a height from visiting him, losing control of his breathing underwater for a moment. He pushed himself quickly, eager to surface as soon as possible despite the discomfort he felt, praying to get afloat before his lungs, already at their limit, could not prevent the water from entering in them.

The darkness that covered everything distressed him, thinking about how fragile he felt there, floating in the middle of the dark and dangerous place, without seeing what could appear at any moment before him and, above all, he was scared of not being able to locate Yuki around him.

He didn't hear his voice, he didn't hear the splashing in the water, nothing. Just his own heavy breathing.

With each stroke, he turned from side to side in case, by chance, he could make contact with him. After a few seconds, he touched something small around him whose soft touch he remembered perfectly, so he grabbed it to pull it out. That poor creature was shivering non-stop, soaked like him, with the freezing water that surrounded them.

"Where are you..." he asked himself with obvious nervousness.

The frustration became even more noticeable when, after a few seconds, he began to hit the water with his free hand and still could not locate him, until a light illuminated around him without warning. The small creature had risen again into the air propelled on its paws and had provided him with the light he needed, like a small lantern in the immense darkness. It radiated, through its body, a light so white and luminous that he could see what he believed to be its veins running through the interior of its tiny body, like fine golden strands intertwined with each.

That, even after being impressed by it since he saw it before his eyes, left him speechless just for a few seconds, since it was not the time to stand still and contemplate it. He took in enough air that his lungs allowed him to finally dive immediately in search of him.

The light was undoubtedly a great help, since thanks to it it didn't take long to locate Yuki's body, which remained unconscious at the bottom of all that water. However, out of his own urgency and concern, he entered forward until he reached him without having taken in again the air that had been leaking from his chest. So that, while she held her arm towards the surface, he noticed how his chest was burning and his consciousness also began to fade little by little, until his head emerged from the water, looking for air in desperation.

Yuki's body was a great weight on his—he was fighting with all his strength to stay afloat—as he, unconscious, was pulling him down forcefully. Luckily, he soon located a kind of hole inside the high walls through which he could climb up and out of the water thanks to the light that Chuck continued to provide him. But it was not as easy as he thought to get there, and when he did so and placed his body on the ground, he could not notice his breathing, nor the beating of his heart.

Panicked, he placed his hands one on top of the other on his chest, performing compression after compression, then covering his nose and bringing his lips closer to him, providing him with the air he had just inhaled.

"What are you doing?!" He asked surprised after taking a big breath of air, moving his hand away from his nose and Alex's face from his.

"Save your life!" He answered indignantly.

"You're a freeloader," he accused, embarrassed, while he tried to get up from his previous position.

Alex opened his eyes completely, surprised by such an accusation, crouched, on his knees, still with his heart racing, praying and willing to do everything in his power to get his heart beating again, and instead, that same person accused him of taking advantage of his situation.

When You Find It (Yaoi,LGBT,BL+18) ©Where stories live. Discover now