Kadhaippoma? Part One

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I wake up removing my headphones which were around my neck the past 7 hours. I feel sorry for my phone and headphones because the only song that was looping the whole night was Kadhaippoma. It's a very special song for us. At least for me. I don't know about her. She has a lot of special people in life. Thinking about it makes me tear up because it's been months since I talked to her. My best friend she is. Sivaangi. 

I was woken up from my thoughts when Ravoofa ma'am called. "Yes ma'am" I answered yawning. "Sam as you know, Media Masons Youtube Channel has crossed 700K subscribers" she said. I know what she's about to say. I interrupted her "I know ma'am. Once again congratulations" I told her hoping she would forget what she was about to ask but hell no. "Sam come on, you know what I'm about to ask you. The fans are so uncontrollable Sam. And also we can't do this to them" I hear her. "I know ma'am but you know the situation. You know everything. I don't think she'll be happy to do this live with me." I fake-chuckled. "Sam, I'm gonna talk to Sivaangi about this and if she agrees, you have to agree too". Why would she even agree to spend an hour with me? Sam Vishal? Who lives under her fame. Who uses her for fame. Who was once her best friend but now, nothing? I think to myself. Of course I know she ain't gonna agree so I agreed to Ravoofa ma'am. 


"I don't know ma'am" I told her. Of course I want to do this with him. The SS Live is something that started spontaneously but went on to have a huge fanbase. With the fan wars of which is the better pair, I didn't want to lose my best friend. But I'm afraid I did. In one split of a moment, I lost Sam. I should have kept everything private with Sam, with everyone. Evil eyes are so damn real.  Things went wrong when it shouldn't have. For some reason, I stopped talking with Sam. I thought he would understand me, talk to me even if I didn't. I thought he would never give up on me, but. 

With Sam... I don't know what went wrong. Is it that I didn't give him attention? Or he was tired of being called "Sivaangi's best friend Sam Vishal"? Or was he tired of me? I don't know. Probably never will. 

After a lot of persuasion by ma'am and the crew, I agreed. For the SamSivaangi fans, for Sam Sivaangi. For us. I got up to freshen up


I wore a blue kurti, did some makeup and left my house with my father. He dropped me off in front of MM Office. I find hot tears running down my cheeks. I wipe them off, put on a smile because hey I'm gonna meet my best friend after 6 months. 

I entered the office and was greeted by everyone. It was 5 30 in the evening. We had half an hour for the live. I didn't wanna disappoint our fans seriously. The fans were there since our Super Singer times. They know us so well. I don't want them to find out about our rift. 

I was shaking my legs and cracking knuckles when he came in at 5 55. He was wearing the red kurta I gifted him. My eyes teared up seeing him but I controlled myself. "Hi Dor- Sivaangi" he said. If not for the others who were present in the room, I would have slapped him hard to make him say Dora but I just smiled and said "Hi Sam". I wanted to stop there. I didn't want the "Sameyy" to tag along because I'm no longer his Dora.

"Okay, we're gonna start in 5 mins guys, get ready. And also no one will be here. We're going out so its just gonna be you guys" said Admin Andavar. Funny how Sam named him Andavar and it has become his name. Sam always does this. He is just- "Are you okay?" asked Ravoofa ma'am and I snapped back into the real world. It was sharp 6 00 and we started the live. 


I wore the red kurta she bought me because... why not? I don't know maybe I wanna show her how much she means to me? Even after everything. I entered the MM Office and she was sitting there, chatting with the crew. The blue kurti looked so beautiful because of her. It is her who adds beauty to things. She looked at me. Both of our eyes moist. I know if I look at her for one more second, I will start sobbing. So I started talking. "Hi Dor-" Oh my god Sam what are you doing? She's no longer your Dora. "Sivaangi" I said face palming myself mentally. "Hi Sam" she said. Okay so I'm not her "Sameyy". Of course I'm not. She has people to call like that. I'm no special to her. 

Kadhaippoma?- A Sam Sivaangi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now