Kadhaippoma? Part Nine

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***


We look at each other. But he is not able to look at me. He looks down out of guilt. 

"Hi Sivaangi" he says looking anywhere but me, hands in his pant pocket. *Casual aahm* I think. "Hi Sam, congrats"

"Congrats to us" he says smiling weakly. "I mean, this is the first web-series for both of us" he finishes. 

I smile at him and sit in one corner of the room pulling out my phone from my bag. 


We talked. Just some small talk but even that was so difficult. I wonder how we are going to do a full 10 episode series like this. Her eyes so red and tired. I hate to see her like this. That too because of me. The reason why I took this most difficult decision is to see her happy. But it all looks opposite. She looks miserable. We look miserable. I always want to be the guy to be behind her and support her. "Pinnadi ninnu support pannuvan" I promised. But seeing her like this made me feel like I broke my promise. What if things don't change? What if this decision was wrong? 

Prathima ma'am comes and tells us it's time to do the live. Live. Which changed our lives forever. The first live was when I realized I may feel something more for her. The third live was when I was scared to admit my feelings for her and I fully acknowledged my feelings for her in the 4th live. We reconciled during the 5th live. We were together during the 6th live. And now, for the biggest news in our professional life, we are not together. Life can be pretty funny sometimes. Non-fun-funny. Miserable-funny. 

The launch starts. The hosts for the day are Makapa Anna and Priyanka Akka. Despite their busy schedules and being star anchors, they made time and has come for us. Makes sense why they are so loved. The launch is happening in the office lawn which is quite big. All our close friends have come. This would have been the best day of my life if my Dora was there beside me. She was. It was me who moved away from her. The introduction and everything is over, very beautifully done by the hosts. They call me and Sivaangi to the small dais they've put up. Our friends cheer for us so loud. We look at each other and immediately look away. We can't cry here. 

"So Sivaangi" Makapa Anna starts. 

"Annaaaa" she says trying to sound cheerful. For people who don't know her it might look like she's actually happy. But to me, who knows her more than herself, it's so evident she's trying to be the normal Sivaangi- happy, cheerful, bubbly. She surprises me some times with her ability to face everything with a smile. 

"Sam uhh Loyola or Ethiraj?" Priyanka Akka asks sarcastically. 

"Always Loyola akka" I hear loud cheers and claps from others. 

"Okay we have an AV for the both of you, we'll see" Anna says and we all turn towards the screen. 

The AV starts with us in SS7. The title says "The Journey of SamSiv" . The AV stats with the Team Selection Round when I said "Sivaangi ah adhu oru...". It had all of our moments together. From the Masala Padam Round, Sing With Judges Round, Anirudh Special Round when Priyanka Akka says "Makapa nee kelu, 1 year la kandipa nadandhurum" and he asks us "Apdiya?". Well safe to say Priyanka Akka was right. It did happen. I got everything I've ever wanted. But I lost it myself. It also had our MM Lives compilation. Moments like the "Love Meter" from COC was also added. And I notice the song in the background is... Kadhaippoma. It ends with the proposal in the Romance Round. "To infinity and beyond" it says. 

The AV ends and there is no sound. Tears flowing like a stream from my eyes. I wipe my tears and look at Sivaangi who has turned the other side to hide her tears from the cameras. I go towards her and hug her. "Siv- Sivaangi" I call her. She looks up from the tissue she was holding. Makapa Anna and Priyanka Akka come to the stage to resume the show. Somehow Siv pulls herself together.

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