Kadhaippoma? Part Eight

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***


I walk her to her house. She is talking all kinds of nonsense which is honey to my ears but I am not able to admire her cuteness today. She has talked to her mother about us. I have no fear in telling my parents. In face they will be ecstatic. But I don't know if I am actually good enough for her. She is successful in her career for which nobody can be more happy and proud than me. But what if I become one of those guys who can't handle their wife's success like people in the comments used to say? What if because of my insecurity she would have to give up on her career? I have hurt her in the past. She is literally like a child, so precious. What if I hurt her again? What if we are just compatible as friends but nothing more than that? What if people pity her for choosing a guy like me? What if her friends or acquaintances tell her she deserves a better guy? I know she will never ever leave me for others' words. But what if they are actually true? So many what ifs and I don't know the answer to anything. 

As I am in my thoughts I notice we've reached her house. She looks at me holding my hands. "Bye Sivaangi, take rest" I say, tightening my hold on her hand. "Bye Sam" she says looking at my lips and then into my eyes. I hug her and leave. 


"Does he have commitment issues or what" Pugazh Anna asks.

"No Anna. He has always wanted marriage, family and kids"

"Oh, will their family accept this? Maybe because of different family backgrounds he must have been worried"

"No anna, his family is extremely sweet to me. They love me Anna"

"Okay ma, I think the best is to give him some time so that he would talk to you about it. Are you sure you are not overthinking it?"

"Well I hope not"

We hang up the call. I know this is not just casual dating. We wanted each other, we love each other and want to spend the rest of our lives together. He is a family oriented guy he definitely doesn't have commitment issues. What else could be the reason? Is he thinking about the hate he'd receive like he did months back? With all the questions in my mind, I go through my dialogues for the first schedule of Kadhaippoma. My mom calls me and says Sam is here. I jump from my bed and run downstairs. He is sitting on the couch, drinking juice. Who drinks juice at 7:00 P.M? He looks at me, eyes welled up. I can't say if it's because he was crying or he hasn't slept well. Or both. He asks my mom if I can go to a nearby café with him and obviously she agrees. I sit and he starts his bike. 

Reached the café, yet has not spoken a single word. I look at him expectantly with a cup of coffee in front of me. He clears his throats and says-

"Sivaangi, first of all, I love you very much. Probably that's the reason I am doing this. I think, I think we should end this"

"End what"

"Our relationship"

I look at him, my eyes already watering. No Sivaangi you've got to be strong. You can do this. You both can get through this. I sniffle and ask him

"You do realize what you're doing right?" I try to stay calm. 

"Yes yes and I'm really sorry Sivaangi. As much as I hate doing this, I've got to" his voice breaks. He is breaking. 

"See, I can see you had some issue with my asking if you've told your parents about us and I'm sorry! I didn't mean it this way. I guess you fear that this is going a little to fast for you and I completely understand okay? We should not fear now Sam. Please. We didn't go through so much just for this moment. Please" I don't know if he even understood what I said through my sniffles and breaking voice. 

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