Kadhaippoma? Epilogue

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***

2 YEARS LATER- 27 September 2024

She wakes up in a jolt. Her ringtone of the Kadhaippoma they sang together in MM Live 1 blasts near her. She takes the phone to see Roze calling her. It's 11:00 PM. She picks up the phone only to hear a restless, in-a-hurry Roze to shout on the phone "I'M COMING TO PICK YOU UP, BE QUICK. WERE YOU SLEEPING? IT'S IMPORTANT SIV". She yawns and brings her phone away her ears to let him finish his shouts. 

"It's just 11:00 Roza, we have an hour!! Where are you now, I'll come right away" she says in her tired voice. 

"I'm right outside your house come fast" he hangs up. *How rude* she thinks to herself and sneaks out of her house. She finds Rozario in his bike yelling at someone over phone. *I'm not the only sacrificial lamb thank god* she thinks to herself and sits behind him. 


"Oh my god calm down da. He won't find out. He is not that smart, after all he's your friend" she says playfully. Roze glares at her through the mirror but is in no mood to tease her back. He is planning the biggest birthday party ever. Well it's not the actual biggest but according to him, it is. It's the biggest to him because it is not only a birthday party but also a success party of Kadhaippoma. The show, initially planned for 10 episodes, found its audience and a huge fanbase only for three seasons to be made. Tomorrow (actually in 50 minutes as we speak), 28th at 12: 00 AM is the streaming of it's last episode which happens to be Sam's birthday. Roze, being the organized, sorted friend that he is, decided to host the party and it's also his responsibility to sneak out Sam and Sivaangi in 2 hours so they can celebrate alone. Sam, blissfully aware of this is sleeping. 

They finally reach the apartment and Roze straight away goes to the terrace to make sure everything is fine. Black is also upstairs because he's the DJ (no points for guessing). Sivaangi tiptoes to Sam's room and sees the clock. It's 11:20. She still has 40 minutes so she decides to bake a cake. She is now a professional cook and Sam is her all-time judge. When Sivaangi used to go practice 6-8 hours a day, it's him who would massage her legs and sing her to sleep. He, on the other hand has acted in another web series, does independent music and performs in concerts. They still haven't made it official, but people are not stupid. They are going strong and will be for and with each other. Always and Forever. 

She makes a small chocolate cake and writes "HBD Sameyy" with gems that she found in the bachelors' kitchen. She goes with the cake, beautifully lit up with a candle to his room. She sees the time, it's 11:58 PM. "Sammmm" she calls. No reaction. "Sameyy look who it is" she says like he is a baby. He snuggles into his comforter and in no mood to wake up. It's 11:59 and she has to hurry up. "DEI SAMEYY" she shouts waking him up, or let's say scaring him. It's sharp 00:00 and she screams "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM" with the cake in her hand. He, though still has not waken fully, he smiles and flinches his eyes. "Thankyouuu Doraaa" he says getting up. She gives her a knife and he cuts and obviously the first bite is always reserved for his Dora. "Make a wish" she says jumping in excitement. "Sivaangi" he says making her blush. Though she baked the cake, she is the one to eat more than half of it. It's been two years since they got into a relationship, yet the love they have for each other is just growing. They are practically like an old married couple yet they have their moments where everything feels new and the butterflies are still not dead. It's 12:30 when Roze comes and blindfolds Sam and takes him to the terrace for the party. Though the party is super fun, these two hearts are aching to spend alone time with each other. When it's around 2:00, they run away with the help of Roze from the much lively party. 

They drive around without knowing the destination, in silence.

 "Thankyou Siv" he says. 

"For the cake? The real token of gratitude would be when you learn how to make one and bake it for my birthday"

"For the cake, also for you". He continues "Thankyou for always being there with me and for me during all days, despite my flaws". 

"You are the most perfect boyfriend ever" she says pinching his cheeks lightly. 

They pull up near a beach and walk towards the endless sea. She is in awe of the beauty of full moon and he is in awe of the beauty of his moon, her. 


It's the morning of Sam's birthday and his family has come to surprise him. The day is great, just that Sivaangi left a couple hours ago and he can't stop thinking about her. He opens his instagram to reply to fan's wishes when he sees Sivaangi's post of the picture they took at the beach with the caption "anywhere with you, happiest birthday to my biggest blessing". He blushes at the blurred picture with their messy hair and drowsy face, yet it's the most beautiful picture for him. He posts a picture he took of her the same night of her looking at the moon with the caption "grateful for you, my love". 

He opens the comment section of the last episode of Kadhaippoma only to find it trending and having so much likes and views. People in the comments are sad that it's over, yet happy that it happened. With so much gratitude, he puts away his phone to continue annoying his sister. 


It's 11:50 PM, just them in Sam's room, slow dancing to the tunes of Kadhaippoma, singing it along and being the happiest with each other. 

And like that... they found their happily ever after. 

Kadhaippoma?- A Sam Sivaangi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now