Kadhaippoma? Part Four

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"Usuru Narambula Nee..." music starts to ring in my ears. "Dai Roze turn off the alarm" I shout kicking him who is sleeping beside me. "Yen oosi ethura" and then I realize it's my voice. I slightly open my eyes to see Roze with long hair and pink PJs. What Roze with long hair? I squinch my eyes to get out of the blur and realize it's not Roze it's Sivaangi. Okay now I remember. Maybe she has something important to attend today as it's 6 in the morning and usually that's midnight for her. "Sivaangi....." I say in a husky voice. I blow air over her eyebrows softly and it seems like it's tickling her. She opens her eyes and puts on an instant serene smile. She is in her PJs, curly frizzy tangled hair, no makeup yet she is the most divine human I've ever laid my eyes on. "Good morningg" she says in her morning child voice and it still feels like honey to my ears. "Good Morning Sivaangi" I say and then remember the alarm that's going on. How is the alarm ringing for so long? I search for her phone and notice it's on the side table of her side. I lean in for the phone. I turn off the alarm and see that she has kept alarms at 6 00, 6 10, 6 20, 6 30 each snoozing for 10 minutes. And weirdly all the ringtones are my version of Usuru Narambula that I sang in Super Singer. I smile and look at her to ask about it and then I realize I'm above her, our faces couple of inches apart. She is staring at me so intently. This intensity is not good so I try to look away but she is still looking at me. What is she thinking? She looks straight into my eyes- oh god she is gonna kill me. I can hear my heart beating so loud in my ears. She looks into my eyes and my lips. All I can see in her eyes are- Love and Desire. Or am I just hallucinating? I don't know. I want to kiss her right away but fight my urges. I got up with a jerk leaving her in shock. I know I made the right decision of moving away. "Why are there so many alarms Sivaangi? And also Usuru Narambula?" I ask to divert from the awkwardness. "Your Usuru Narambula is always my ringtone because who would not want to be woken up by a voice as serene as yours?" is her reply. She is saying that in her sleepy tone and I can't get over how cute she is. How cute she is when she is with me. "Okay why so many alarms?" I ask her only to get a reply "You'll see".

She has made an egg benedict for breakfast and I'm stunned. When did she learn to cook?! The Sivaangi I knew didn't even know how to make a half-boiled. "When did you learn to cook Siv?" I ask her. "You know I kind of learnt it by seeing the cooks cook in CWC and I kinda got into it. Then I tried simple dishes so yeah" she says feeling shyly proud. "You can go as a cook in CWC for the next season istg" I say and eat the meal. 


I don't know if he will like it but I just hope he does. I discussed with Ravoofa ma'am and Prathima ma'am about this and they are so happy about this. I know he will do this at least for me. 


"MM Office?" I ask Sivaangi whose excitement is so evident in her sparkly eyes. "Live? We just now did one Siv" I say. "Shut up and come" she says and drags me. 

"Hi SamShal" says Ravoofa ma'am. I know my name is Sam Vishal but people do call me different (like for instance Sameyyy) and I don't complain. I love it as it shows how special I am to them. Kind of. "Hi ma'am" I say hugging her. "So Sivaangi, have you told what surprise it is?" she asks to Sivaangi. "Ah no ma'am. I will show him" she says. Okay but why is she getting shy? 

"Sammm actually woh" why is she struggling to speak? what is happening!!! "Sivaangi calm down, tell me" I say and I'm definitely not the right person to say that because I might seem like I'm calm but there is an endless river of questions in my mind. "I'm very sorry Sam I didn't consult about this with you. I wanted it to be a surprise and I promise this was an impulsive decision. If you can't do this it's absolutely fine. But please don't do this because I asked for it" she says. "Dora" I say softly and I see her eyebrows loosen up a bit. She takes a file from her bag and gives me. I open it and it's a contract.


This agreement is made by and between Ravoofa, Prathima and Sam Vishal J X with respect to the artist's portrayal of the role Arjun in the project entitled KADHAIPPOMA.


As a member of the cast of "Kadhaippoma" web series by Media Masons Originals

1. I agree that it is my responsibility to know when and where the rehearsals take place.

2. I agree to work with my colleague Sivaangi K essaying the role of Anu and not let anything come in between the shoots, production and promotion of the project.

3. I agree that I will maintain my stature throughout the due course of the shoot. 





"I know this is a shocker for you but I thought it would be nice if we did a webseries. You remember when Mani akka asked in Live 1 if it's possible for us to act together? I started thinking about this since then and so many things happened. I know it would be difficult for you to schedule dates and stuffs. It's perfectly fine even if you reject it Sam. I just thought i-" I pulled her into a hug to make her silent *How much does she talk XD* I know about her overthinking and anxiety more than anyone.

"I want to be the Arjun to your Anu". 

She looks at me with relief and excitement in her eyes. 

"So the first photoshoot starts tomorrow. Get ready, Arjun" she says with an emphasis on Arjun. I don't know if the Anu-Arjun was intentional as people literally call us the "OMK pair of Television". "Hello Madam. Tell me what the plot is" I say. "Oops I forgot. The director is Parthiv Anna. We'll go to his house now and he will narrate it to us. I kind of know the gist tho" she says and how can I not follow my queen's orders? 


I'm glad he liked it. After the live 1 I started thinking about acting with him often. Also the Kattikida song performance of us received huge love and acceptance from the audience so I was pretty sure our chemistry will be good onscreen. So I spoke with Parthiv Anna and I was about to surprise Sam and the fans when we would do the 500K subscribers live. But sadly we never did. I thought this would be the right time to do it as fans are also kinda sure we like (love? idk) each other. So it will be a sweet surprise to them as well. 

Me and Parthi Anna explain the gist to Sam and he is all smiles.The story is a modern-day replication of Laila Majnu where Sam is gonna play a character Arjun who is a singer and a Majnu for my character Anu who is also a singer. Whenever there is a cute interaction in the script, he looks at me shyly. God how is he hot, cute and handsome at the same time!? It's a very short 10 episode webseries so now we've reached the climax. And it involves a kiss. Just a sweet passionate one. We look at each other not knowing how to react. "Sure anna we'll start the shooting tomorrow" he says affirmingly. Okay so he is ready for the kiss? I don't know. Anxiety is already kicking in. We both sign the documents and leave. 

"So how do you feel about the story?" I ask Sam.

"That's such a good one Dora. I never thought I would get to act in such an intense role. All thanks to you" 

"Aw no. Even I'm worried how I'm gonna do the character Sam. You know I'm not that great of an acto-" before I could finish he presses his lips against mine and it's like fire and ice meeting. It took me some time to respond but I did. After a passionate yet sweet and tender kiss he moves away from me and whispers "Consider this a rehearsal". 

Kadhaippoma?- A Sam Sivaangi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now