Kadhaippoma? Part Seven

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***


We are fine now. I guess I just freaked out. I want to be a perfect boyfriend for her. She's gone through so much and I do not want to be the reason she suffers more. I do not want to be a possessive, controlling, dependent boyfriend. I want to be her strength, her support system, her best friend and love. I know I need to work on my insecurities. I will. For her. 

After an hour of bickering and teasing and kissing and snuggling and snatching remote and fighting, we finally decide to watch To All The Boys I've Loved Before. Obviously, it was her choice. No way I'm winning against my Dora. 

I quite like it but I can see why she loves it so much. The female main character is so much like her. They both are hopeless romantics. Maybe she relates herself with her. I laugh at a scene and notice my Dora is all asleep snuggling to me and the blanket, still has her hands in the popcorn bowl. She is a foodie throughout that she dreams about food. I hope she dreams about me also lol. God why is she so beautiful? She is the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on and that's one thing I'm grateful to my eyes for. It was just an ordinary movie night with her but suddenly it's become enchanting. And what made it enchanting? Seeing her doze off. Love can be pretty funny sometimes. Roze and Black Anna came home an hour ago and as the good boys they are they went into their respective rooms. I kiss her frown on her forehead and she relaxes. "Sam" she murmurs. A smile so instant on my face. "I love you" she says. Still sleeping. She takes my name while being asleep. As much as I want to be with her all the time, I should drop her off now. I open her phone to see the time and her lock screen wallpaper is us, a picture we took right before shooting SSCOC's first episode. It's one of her favorite pictures of us together. The time is 12:45 and I see 2 missed calls from her mom's number. I don't know if I should call her now as it's late. But her last missed call is at 12:30 so I'm hoping I don't wake her up. 

"Hello ma'am. It's Sam here" I say. 

"Hi Sam! Sivaangi said she was going to come back at 11. That's why I called. Now that you are with her, I'm relieved" she says. I still remember when she used to call me, Gowtham and Vaishakan more than her, just to ask us to take care of her. She's always trusted us. I wonder if Sivaangi told her about us though. 

"Yeah ma'am. We were just watching a movie and she dozed off. I will drop her off in like 20 minutes".

"Oh that's okay Sam if she even stays there Sam, why wake her up" 

"Oh that's um that's great- I mean that's nice, that's nice of you" I quickly hung up. I messed it up uh. But still I don't know if I can let her stay here. So I try to wake her up. 

"Sivaangiiii" I whisper slowly. She smiles. She smiles hearing my voice even if she's asleep. "Sivaangi ma, wake up" I say nudging her a little. She is still on my chest, unbothered, peaceful and serene. No matter how much I hate this, I have to do this. "Ma, you've got to go to your home, Sivaangi ma" I say patting her cheeks. "But you are my home" she says with her cute sleepy voice. This small lady can move me to tears without even trying. "Sivaangii, your mom is looking for you, wake up ma pleaseee" I say and finally she opens her eyes. Only when I felt like I'm victorious, she closes them again. "I like it here Sameyy, what's your problem" she says pointing to my chest which right now is a pillow. "And my mom knows about us" she says and I shout "WHAT" so loud that a hairbrush came flying from Black Anna's room with his voice cursing me. Unfortunately or fortunate I woke up The Sleeping Beauty too. 

"What what" she asks. 

"Your mom knows about us?"

"Yeah she kinda suspected and you know how bad I am at lying"

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