Kadhaippoma? Part Six

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***


Today we are shooting the announcement teaser of Kadhaippoma and the plan is to release it 2 days later. Okay let me give the plot of the story. Anu and Arjun have been friends since they can remember, since their childhood and Arjun is deeply, madly, passionately, hopelessly in love with Anu. He goes to any extent to make her happy, be it flying down her favorite cake from London to Chennai just because she mentioned it once or having a fist fight with anyone who messes with her. He is crazy. That's the best way to describe him. Whereas Anu, who is also in love with Arjun never likes to complicate things, she always speaks whatever comes in her mind, doesn't like being controlled or being possessive. Both the characters are equally tough to play as there are a lot of nuanced emotions they go through and the intensity is very high. 

We have to go to various locations like an abandoned house in the outskirts of the city, beach and a flower garden. Arjun is as complicated as an abandoned house and Anu is as free-spirited and joyful as a flower garden. And the beach is where they meet. We are going to live locations to shoot these it's really hard to not blow up our covers but we're gonna try hard. 

I'm going to pick Sivaangi up from her home and we're gonna straight to the abandoned house. I will see if I can pull any prank on her there before everyone arrives (I hope she doesn't regret loving me XD).


I'm so nervous like-. I know how wonderful of an actor Sam is, his charisma is the best. I don't know if I will be able to match him. And I also hope I don't overact to impress people. But one good thing about today is I'M GONNA MEET MY BOYFRIEND FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! Technically it's gonna be our first date. We're gonna meet each other 3 hours before the scheduled time just to spend some time with each other.

I reach the location and I will be honest, it looks hella creepy. But I can manage, I'm a strong independent woman (I'm gonna die out of fear). But where the hell is my boyfriend Sam Vishal? I love calling him my boyfriend though. Anyways did he forget about it or what? He is late for our first date- way to go there Sam. I call him but he doesn't pick up. 

I hear the wooden doors creaking. Probably not a great place for a first date. I decide I'm too afraid to manage this by myself (I'm still a strong independent woman :) ) I try go out and reach another room where there is a flower bouquet. There is a note stuck between the white roses. I pick it up and before I can read it the door behind me is shut. I'm visibly shaking but I don't want the spirits to know that. Too embarrassing. I read the note and it says "Happy First Date, girlfriend". Oh my god it's Sam. I feel relieved and embarrassed and angry. 

"You wish I'd still be your girlfriend after the stunt you performed now" I say loudly and the door blasts open and there he is- Sam. My boyfriend. "Did I get you?" he asks laughing. "Nope, you didn't and you never will" I say clearly faking it. "Oh c'mon you have to act better than that you're gonna be an actress" he says with a smirk. "Anyways you look wow" he says and I for sure know I look like a tomato. But I try to hide it and say "I know. You can try though" and leave the room. It's a huge house with so many rooms and none of them is in a good condition. I go into a room and regret it. It's full of spider webs and I can't even call him now. He is calling me and I, being the prankster's girlfriend am no less than him. "Sivaangi!" he yells. And I can see the intensity of his voice getting higher. So he is nearing me. I quickly hide behind a door and wait for him. He is in front of me. "BAAAA" I scream. "AAHHHHHH" he screams along and quickly that turns into my laughter and his death glares. "I'm going to kill you" he says calmly maintaining a straight face. "Catch me if you can" I say and start running. I keep looking if he's chasing me and shit he caught me. 

He pulls me from behind by my waist. We are in apparently a hallway which is surprisingly very clean. Our team must have cleaned it. "You can never run from me Ms. Sivaangi" he says and his voice is somehow getting deeper (and hot!). "Nor do I want to" I say holding his jaw. He kisses my neck. My hold on his jaw tightens. His hot breath on my nape feels so surreal. His hold on my waist tightens and turns me towards him in a swift motion. We look into each other's eyes. No matter how filmy it sounds to say, but all I can see in his eyes are love and desire. He looks at my lips and looks into my eyes again. I hold his face in place, go close to him and whisper "I love you" and kiss him. He groans and starts kissing me back. I pull him by his hair in an attempt to tease but we are too engrossed to make it work. I give up and start caressing his hair and kiss him. His hand is playing it's way all over my back and hair. After what felt like an eternity, out of breath we stop kissing and rest our foreheads on each other. "I love you too" he replies, I chuckle. 

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