Kadhaippoma? Part Three

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Grateful that things didn't get awkward between us. Is it that she liked it? Or she didn't give a shit about it? I don't know. Honestly, I don't want to know. I'm just gonna go with the flow. That's the best for everyone. It's been two months since it happened and we still are the same with a little bit of flirting. I don't even know if you can call that flirting, but yea whatever. Today is the 6th MM live as Media Masons has achieved 800K+ subscribers. I feel so happy and grateful that I'm a small part of it. Our lives are a huge hit. The 700K subscribers live has crossed 5M views already. I can't wait to do the 6th live with her. 


TODAY IS THE DAY!! Our live after our reconcilation. I'm so excited. The past two months have been such a blast and it's only because of him, my Sameyy. As a girl who is not very fond of dressing up, I find myself standing in front of my wardrobe for the past hour figuring out what to wear. I want to look the best today. For him. 

Finally, I decide to facetime Srinisha as her fashion sense and style is always impeccable and she is also best friends with Sam. "Hi Sriiii" I say happily. "Hi diii, someone is happy today and I know the reason" she says smirking. I turn visibly red and I cover my face with my hands. "Enough of blushing, save that for Sam, now tell me what happened" she says. "Aiyooo sttoppp" I say. I rush before she again starts to tease me "You know, um ah today is the live so I thought of asking you what to wear you know as you know I love your style and ah" I stutter and it's so embarrassing I'm internally screaming *what is wrong with you sivaangi, you haven't even met him yet*. "Sivaangiiiii, chilll! It's just me" she says chuckling at my silliness. "You two are just" she says and I begin to show her my closet.

After a lot of brainstorming and narrowing, we come to a red kurti and blue jean. With a little bit of kohl, eyeliner and lipstick, hair left open, I open my phone and read our chats.


"This?" I ask showing Roze an olive green hoodie. "Eww. I asked you not to buy it but it's established you never listen to me but not today at least bro. You're gonna meet your girlfriend. DRESS UP!" he says and I'm stuck at the "girlfriend" part. "Who girlfriend?" I asked trying to control my blush, looking basically everywhere but him. "Sivaangi. Who else. Now come on dude. The whole world knows you both love each other. It's just you both" he says. I mean he has got a point. We both know we like (or love?) each other but I don't know if she's ready for a relationship now. We both have just started our career and there is a long way. Of course we will be with each other till the very last but relationships, in media is messy and people always try to come in between which we don't want. "I don't think this is the right time for a relationship Roze" I told him. He is someone with whom I could share anything and everything like I did right now. "It's okay macha, take your time. If she's the right person, she'll feel the same way and be patient. And even I would suggest you guys not to take this any step further. Give it some time" he says. God this is why he is my best friend. A moment before he was teasing me and here he is now giving me advice. I don't know what I did in my previous birth to get people like him in my life. 

We finally decide on a blue T shirt and black pants. I can't wait to see her. So I decide to text her. "Hi Sivaangi, today is the live don't forget " and surprisingly, she saw within a fraction of a second. So she has been looking at our chats. I blush at the mere thought of her thinking of me. 

Sameyy: Someone's reading some old chats

As I notice it's taking a while for her to reply, I follow it up with

Sameyy: Madam, enough of blushing. Save them for irl

Dora: Oh hello, who said I was blushing reading your text? I was just thinking about my crush

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