Kadhaippoma? Part Five

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I'm back guys!!!

I don't know if anyone missed this but I definitely missed writing this. 

So.... here it comes!



I woke up at 5 in the morning for two reasons
1. We have our photoshoot today (which is in the evening so, eh im just too excited)
2. I am TOO excited I can't sleep

I told my friends about the web-series and apart from the fact that I'm gonna be with the love of my life (eh when did this happen? anyways) often, they think this might actually be a sensation because of the story. I told my parents about it too and obviously they were very supportive like they always have been. 

It's 12 noon and I thought maybe I should call Sivaangi to wake her up (it's still very early for her). 


I woke up at 5 in the morning for two reasons 
1. We have our photoshoot today (which is in the evening so, eh im just too excited)
2. I am TOO excited I can't sleep

I'm just looking around the kitchen to help myself and I get a call from the love of my life (umm... yep) Sam. He is facetime-ing me.

"Sameyyy" I exclaim. "Looks like someone woke up early today" he says playfully. "Yeah I thought I would get ready for the photoshoot" I say trying to act as calm as possible. "The photoshoot is not till 5 in the evening Siv, you get ready for 12 hours before stepping out? Well I should be careful then" he says. I pause my search for nutella in the fridge and look at him. He hasn't realised what he said and well let me play with him. "Why should you be careful?" I ask innocently. He is shook. He is looking for excuses. He is blabbering. YES! Plan succeeded. "You haven't answered why you woke up early" he says trying to divert. Okay I give up. I can never be competitive with him. I always want him to win. Since Super Singer. "I don't know. I was just... excited" I say and quickly accompany "When did you wake up?" and he answers at 5 too. It makes me happy he was just as excited as I was. 


We reach the MM office together for the photoshoot. I already feel like we are a couple. Now don't ask me what we are because I don't know. SItuationship? Nah. We are in love. Just hasn't confessed yet which I should, maybe. 

We complete the photoshoot and the results are AMAZING! I know I shouldn't say this but WE LOOK LIKE WE ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!! And she just looks ethereal in every picture. "You look beautiful" I whisper to her. "WE look beautiful, TOGETHER" she emphasizes. I pat her head which she loves. We decide to release a pic from the photoshoot as a pre-announcement, just to tease the fans. I know, we are cruel. 

"How about this picture?" I say to her showing her a photo in which I'm looking at her from a distance, which is metaphorical of the series. Arjun always looks for Anu and his love is intense. It's not a playful, no-misery love. It's a love that can destroy everything and himself but never her. But instead she pulls out another pic in which we are looking at each other holding hands. "This is more us. Why post such a sad pic" she says looking at our picture. "You know it's like we are giving a hint about the project" I explain. "But Sam, I don't want to not look at you, especially when you are looking at me, even if it's just a picture. I never want you to wait for me" she says. My eyes get moist. No she can't notice it. Too late she does. She doesn't ask anything about it. She holds my face and smiles at me. This is love. Our love. In an attempt to change the topic she says "Anyways we are trying to tease the fans, why give away a hint" she says chuckling. I just look at her. I just love this woman. Has she always been this matured? I guess so. 

Kadhaippoma?- A Sam Sivaangi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now