Kadhaippoma? Part Ten- Final

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***my insta: sxmjhawan***

"Hello" I say. 

"Hi Sivaangi, can we meet today?" 


"Um I just wanted to talk to you about something"

"Okay" I hang up. We are not together anymore, what does he want to talk to me about? Kadhaippoma maybe. I remember I forgot to ask him when and where. So I open my phone and go to his chat. "Sameyy" it says. I find hot tears flowing down my eyes. *You've got to be strong Sivaangi* I say to myself and text him. 

Dora: Hey, when and where are we meeting?

He doesn't see the message. I wait for almost 10 minutes and throw my phone away, thankfully it lands on my bed. I hear a notification ring and see it's a message from him. 

Sameyy: How about 6:00 at the café near your place? 

It's the same place he broke up with me and left me all alone. 

Dora: Sure


I quickly go freshen up and put on a black crop top and blue jeans and go down for lunch. "Good morning ma" I say hugging my mother who's humming a song and cooking. "Good AFTERNOON Sivu" she says holding my face and kissing my hair. She is making Veg Pulao and I decide to help her as lately I've been growing fond of cooking. We set the dining table and sit down. 

"So what's your plan for today?" my mom asks. It's the lunch time we talk about our everyday plan and schedule. 

"Nothing much ma" I say drinking the orange juice beside the food. 

"When is your shooting starting?"

Shooting. With Sam. Ugh gotta be tough. "Day after tomorrow ma" I reply in a phrase. She notices I don't talk much which is very rare and unusual but she doesn't ask me about it. I quickly finish my food and go back inside. It's 3:00 now. 


I take a nap for sometime and wake up around 4:30. I put on some makeup because I want to feel good about myself. It's true I've got my heart broken but I guess I have to get used to this. At least I should try to live my life to the fullest. One of my biggest regrets of live is during the six months I didn't talk to Sam, I lost myself with him. It's true I love him. Probably more than anything in the world. But those six months taught me that I have to be there for myself even if it's the most difficult thing to do. I take my phone, see the lock screen and smile weakly to myself. I notice the time is 5:40 so I head out.


"What's your problem Sam" Nisha asks. 

I sigh and tell her it's nothing. Of course she is talking about Sivaangi. 

"Did you ever think what she must have been going through?" she snaps at me. 

"You think I didn't? You think I'm doing this for myself? You think I broke up with her, ruining both of our happiness for myself?" I yell at her. 

She looks a bit taken aback but she still doesn't give up. 

"You are saying it's ruining both of your happiness, then why the hell did you do that?"

"Srinisha, you all are thinking about now. Of course she is happy now. But I'm thinking about long term. It won't work out. Before I turn toxic, it's better we both end it on good terms"

"Give me one reason why you think you will be toxic for her. Do you get possessive quickly? Do you get jealous when she talks to other guys? Do you not feel happy for her when she does great in her life? Will you fall out of love? Sam, even when you guys weren't talking you were the proudest for all her victories. Why would you let other people define who you are?" 

Kadhaippoma?- A Sam Sivaangi Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now