chapter 1

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Davina's Pov:

I stood above the sink as I looked down at the object in my hand, a positive pregnancy test.

"How am I going to do this without Kol here? He needs to be a part of this baby's life too." I say. I won't let our child grow up without their father. Not like I did. I suddenly got a vision of a dark-haired woman wearing all black, I saw her mouth something, and I tried and focus on what she was saying.

"You will give me that baby. She is mine." The woman said in a hushed voice.

I gasped as the vision disappeared.

I walk into the Mikaelson compound, and I see Elijah walk out toward me.

"Davina, what seems to be the trouble?" He asks me.

"I had a vision," I say

"What about?" He says

"About a woman with dark hair, she said that she's coming for you," I say lying about what she said.

"Thank you, Davina," Elijah said to me, I nodded and exited the compound going back to the attic.

6 months later:

I am now six months pregnant and have all the ingredients I need to resurrect Kol. I got all the ingredients from doing a favour to Klaus. Even if I hate the man's guts with a passion, it was worth it.

Once I get back, I walk over to my dresser and get the urn and a vile of blood but not just any blood, Klaus and Elijah's blood. I begin to make a salt circle and put two drops of blood into his ashes.

"Blood of two brothers, ash of the dead. Blood of two brothers, ash of the dead." I chanted twice as I held out my hands, and then I felt the baby put her hands on the front of my stomach, causing a little shimmer to be seen around the rim of my belly.

Suddenly, I see Kol on all fours, panting and out of breath.

"I never doubted you for a second, Davina Claire," Kol said as he wasted no time, coming out of the circle and crashing his lips on mine, I smiled into the kiss, very happy to see him alive and breathing.


3 days later.

I'm Sitting on the couch reading a parenting book, I heard Kol groan awake. I get up off the couch, set the book down beside me, and walk over.

"You've been asleep for three days," I say.

"Well, generating from ash takes a lot out of a man," Kol said, standing up off the bed.

"You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you," Kol said, making me smirk.

"So what's stopping you?" I ask

"Well, I can take the heat." He said, lifting his hand into the sunlight, causing it to burn. "If it means I get to kiss you, but letting the church burn down to ash may be considered sacrilegious." He said.

"But you were a witch," I question.

"The spell you used to bring me back brought me back to how I was when I died in this body," Kol said.

"Kol, I heard the stories about when you were a vampire, you were a..." I said, trailing off, not wanting to say it.

"A psychotic maniac. But I didn't have you. You're worth being good for, I promise you can trust me." He said as I walked into the light. He suddenly looks down at my stomach with wide eyes.

I smile and say, "Kol look. I know it's a shock, but believe me when I tell you that this is our daughter. She's ours no one else's, I promise you." He smiles, and I walk over to him, crashing my lips to his.

"At the risk of sounding super forward, I need you to put a ring on this finger. A family reunion is in order." Kol says as I frown suddenly, remembering what happened 3 days ago.

"Kol about your family, I'm pretty sure Klaus wants me dead, and your evil, sick, twisted aunt wants our daughter," I said as I could feel tears form in my eyes. Kol pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head, then whispered to me. "I will never let that happen to either of you, alright." I nod and rest my head on his shoulder.


I arrive at the Mikaelson compound when suddenly I am pushed up against the stone cold wall by Klaus.

"Rather foolish of to come here alone." He said then he was thrown back by Kol. 

"She didn't come alone, brother." Kol said, as the rest of them came into the courtyard.

"Now Nik, I mean you did just go after my girl" Kol stated as Klaus and his siblings looked shocked,

"It can't be." Klaus stated.

"It's Kol. When I broke your sire link, it created a surge of power." I say

"You stole the nexus vorti." Freya says. 

"And brought your brother back from the dead." I said. 

"You should be thanking her, really." Kol said as Klaus walks up to him and hugs him, after they pull apart Elijah walks up to him with questioning eyes,

"Hello, Elijah." Kol says

"You haven't aged a day." Elijah said with a smile on his face.

"And you are?" Kol said looking over towards Freya.

"Freya," She said and Kol looked at her and said, "Right long-lost older sister." Kol started to look around and noticed that someone was missing. "Speaking of twists and terns in our family tree, where might Rebekah be?" He asked. 

"That's a long story, and one reserved for family. Davina can see herself out." Klaus said, I saw that Kol was having none of his games today, especially after this morning.

"Uh, are you...?" Kol stuttered. 

"As per usual, our family faces a multitude of threats. The sooner you become acquainted to them the better. I won't have you distracted." Klaus said but Kol cut him off.

"By Davina? You know, if she could only pull your head out of your..." Kol argued but I cut him off from finishing that sentence.

"Kol. It's okay. I'll go." I say walking back towards the entrance.

"Davina." Kol said as he walked towards me stopping me from leaving, 

"It's okay, you can make it up to me." I say.  

"And I will. Dust off that fancy dress of yours, cause tonight were going dancing." Kol said, I raised an eyebrow quizzically. 

"Are you sure, we should be dancing right now, I mean it's hard enough standing up right now." I say looking down at my round stomach, he chuckled to me.

"Alright then we can just relax and watch a few movies." Kol said. I smiled,

"That sounds perfect." I say, he kisses my forehead and I walk back to the attic. 


After the reunion disaster, Kol returns to the attic and starts to pack up some clothing as I get up off the couch and ask, "What are you doing? I thought tonight was going to be relaxing and watching movies?"

"A little change in plans, however. Do you still want to get out of New Orleans?" He asks.

I nod and start getting my purse with all my pregnancy essentials and items like my phone and charger, wallet, and passport.

In the next hour, we're on the road grinning from ear to ear, finally getting out of this god-forsaken city.

"So much for our relaxing date." Kol says. 

"No, Somehow its better." I say as I place my hand on his, as he grins at me, with full contentment.

"So where do you want to go, darling?" He asked me.

"I heard about this town called New Salem, it's cozy and quaint, it's a small town, with some parks there," I say.

"Alright, let's get the bloody hell out of this city." He said as we left the New Orleans border.

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