A familiar Surprise!

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PS: This will be a shorter chapter than the previous ones and hopefully will be the only one.

7 years Later: 

Elleri is now seven years old and is starting at the Salvatore school to help her control her witch powers.

Elleri's POV:

Mom, Dad and I arrived in Mystic Falls about 15 minutes ago and were just driving up to a school that Mom and Dad say would help me get more control over my witch powers. We arrive and I look out to see some other kids outside running around chasing each other. Mom looks back at me with a happy smile.

"You ready?" Mom asks me.

"What if they don't like me?" I say with a scared tone in my voice.

"They will, once they understand you," Dad says.

"They just haven't met anyone like you before," Mom says to me. I nod my head as Mom and Dad get out, mom walks to my door lifts me out of my seat, and puts me down on the ground as I grab her hand and then Dad's, as we walk towards the main doors, to meet with the principal.

"So who exactly are we going to meet?" Mom asks Dad with a curious expression.

"Alaric Saltzman, he said that if he won't be in his office he will be out back," Dad said.

"Well let's check the back first then try and find his office," Mom says.

we all walk towards the back of the school, and I see Mom and Dad's expressions change into fear as they see the back of some woman's head who has dark brown hair, and who's talking to who I'm assuming is Alaric Saltzman.

"Alaric!" Dad shouts at him, making both him and the dark-haired woman turn to us.

"Hayley, nice to see you again. what's new and exciting?" Mom says to the woman who I now know as Hayley.

"Davina Claire, and Kol Mikaelson, to what do I owe this pleasure," Alaric says to my parents.

"We just came here to enrol our daughter into your school she's been having trouble controlling her witch abilities, and It's Mikaelson now, Davina Mikaelson," Mom says confidentially.

"So you and Kol finally tied the knot, huh, and also how the hell do you guys have a daughter, vampires can't have children," Alaric asks us.

"We honestly don't know either, but before we continue this conversation is there somewhere else we could go to chat, that's more private than in a schoolyard?" Dad asks him. he nods and says: "Follow me." We walk behind him as he leads us into the school where I can see all sorts of kids here, The majority of them are witches, but there are some unique cases here. we walk into a very fancy office with a very 1800s look to it.

"So Who is she? Because vampires and witches can't have children and if a witch becomes a vampire they lose their magic." Alaric says as he eyes me. I see my parents nod to me saying that I can use my gift. I walk up to him cup his cheek and show him the memory of my birth then the memory fades from his mind. I walk back and sit on my dad's lap. 

"So, you had her while you were still a witch, but then after she was born you transitioned into a vampire, but she has both witch and vampire blood in her veins which allow her to use magic, but my main question is how the hell did she project her memories into my mind, that's just not a spell that exists or that I know of anyway," Alaric says and before either of my parents say anything I chose this time to talk.

"I'm a gifted vampire, I may only be half vampire, but I was born with the ability to let other people see my memories when I touch their cheek. My name is Elleri by the way, so Instead of calling me She or Her, why don't you call me by my name instead." I say with a little sass.

"I can see that she's your daughter Kol, she's got your spunky attitude. Alright, Elleri since you are a highly rare case I will allow you to attend this school, however, there is someone I would like you to meet. your cousin." Alaric says which confuses me because I don't have any cousins.

"But I don't have any cousins Mr. Saltzman. it's just my parents and I and my uncle." I say.

"Kol, Davina could I speak with you both outside for a second." Mr. Saltzman says. my parents nod and walk out of the office with him.

Davina's Pov:

Alaric walks us outside his office for a quick second.

"So you guys have not told her about her other family haven't you," Alaric says,

"Look we didn't have a choice alright, Dahlia wants Elleri to use her powers and link them so that she can get more powerful, we had to disappear for her sake if we even wanted a chance to have her in our lives. besides she knows of Elijah and that's enough, so the fact that you just sprung the whole cousin thing on her will have her asking so many questions to us which honestly, we don't think she's ready to know besides she won't understand why, she's too young to understand any of this." I explain.

"Well she's now what 8 years old, she already knows about Elijah, Why not Hope and Hayley?" Alaric questions.

"She's seven and a half actually, and she can't know them because they know Klaus and Rebecka, and If they know about her they could expose her to a threat not even they could deal with, and we've been talking about what would happen if she suddenly got her neck snapped, she would become the original vampire and witch hybrid, she would be double the amount of powerful that she is now, it's too dangerous for her to be around other supernatural's right now," I say to them.

"Wait, hold on before you decide on this, I have a deal we could make," Alaric says.

"What kind of deal?" Kol asks.

"You guys let her go to school here, whilst I keep quiet about her other family, and as a bonus, I will help her control her powers," Alaric says.

"Alright then, but if anything happens to her, I will be holding you responsible," Kol says, I nod in agreement.

"But wait, what are we going to do about Elleri now that she's suspicious about her having a cousin?" Alaric asks us.

"Don't worry I can spell her into forgetting that you mentioned it. it will only be broken when or even if she becomes the hybrid." I say to them, I know that it's wrong for me to spell my daughter but it's for her good, she can't get caught up in all the New Orleans drama that she shouldn't even be a part of.

After we get back in I spell Elleri into forgetting what Alaric said about Hope being her cousin, and it worked. after Kol and I signed the enrolment papers we walked back out of the school, Alaric said that school starts in a few weeks so that should give us some time to get her all the stuff she needs for school, we had to buy another home for us to stay for the school year cause Elleri can't stay in one of the dorms for the whole year, by herself. but we still own the house in New Salem cause well it's our home and it also has like 10 cloaking and protection spells on it thanks to William's friend who's a witch, he also did the same for our house in Mystic Falls.

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