Power growth

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This may be a short chapter maybe not we'll see how it goes. Also thank you all so much for already a lot of views. now onto the book.

it has been 6 years since Elleri started at the Salvatore School. She is now 13 years old.

Elleri's POV:

I was walking down the hallway toward my class when a sudden pain came to my head, which is weird because I never get sick or in pain unless it has something to do with my magic, but lately, I feel a bit strange but it might just be my witch side acting up.

As I walk outside the pain is suddenly ten times worse, I kneel over in pain holding my head as I collapse onto the grass. soon the pain subsides a little bit and it's bearable now but still there. I walk into my classroom and sit down at my desk. As the lesson continues I feel my hands become slightly warm, I look down and see a glow coming from my hand.

"Excuse me, professor, I need to use the restroom." I lie thinking it's the only way to get out of there quickly.

"Alright just be quick." She says as I immediately sprint out of the room and outside in the fresh air hoping to calm me down, but it only causes my headache to return so I go to the one person who might know what to do, Alaric.

As I run towards his office I see a lot of other supernatural's staring at me, but I just ignore them and continue to sprint down the hall. once I reached his door, I just burst the door open without thinking.

"Elleri what are you doing here you're supposed to be in class," Alaric asks me.

"Not the big issue here," I say as I look down to my hands and he immediately gets up off his chair and walks towards me.

"Why are your hands glowing?" He asks me.

"I don't know I was hoping you would know what's going on with me?" I exclaim.

"Look I don't know what's happening, but I think the best way for this to go away is If you calm down, and take a deep breath alright. In," He instructs and I breathe in,

"Out." He says.

I breathe out.

we repeat this three more times until I feel the orange glow reside.

'Sigh' " Thank you, but one more thing, I get a bad headache Whenever I'm in the sun now. Even if I have my daylight ring on." I say.

"Maybe it's your vampire side starting to come out, or maybe you're just coming down with a cold," Alaric says to me.

"Maybe, oh have you seen the new student yet, he seems to be very suspicious to me anyway, I'm back to class," I say as I walk out of his office.

"Remember to come to me if this happens again." He yells to me as I walk out. 

"4 Hours Later:"

School was now over and I was just about to walk out for a drink with my friends to the café in town. As I left my bedroom at my parents place, I could tell that something very interesting will happen tonight, so I grab my purse and put my phone and wallet in and walk downstairs and out the front door without a word to my parents as I am kind of mad at them, since they kept the fact that Hope Marshal is my cousin, It's been weird at school and how neither of us talk to each other. 

Anyway I approach the café and walk in to see some of my friends Amy and Fiona, the sister witches. as we chat and catch up over the next two hours I start to feel off again or like something is going to happen.

after the girls leave I start walking home but I decided to take the long way home, as I'm walking through the park I feel a presence behind me but they're to quick for me to defend myself and they snap my neck, "Killing" me. as I notice my vision going black. 

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