The hybrid of the Century!

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Elleri's POV:

As I started to come out of my slumber, I felt very Different like my body was changing, and I'd become who I was meant to be. I slowly got up off the ground and noticed that I was still in the park. I slowly walk back home not caring if my parents are upset with me. I don't care right now.

As I stumble up the porch steps and open the front door I just ignore my parents' loud stomping from the kitchen and just walk up the stairs to my room, slamming it shut and collapse onto my bed. After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door, and I hear my mom's voice.

"Elleri, are you alright?" Mom says.

"Go  Away!" I yell, but she just ignores what I say and barges into my room with a disappointed look on her face and her arms crossed. I roll onto my back and look up at the ceiling.

"What part of Go Away did you not get?" I say sarcastically.

"Well I got all of it but I honestly don't care right now as you seem to be acting like a hormonal 15-year-old," Mom says. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously what's been going on with you for the past month, you've been all angry and distant from both me and your father," Mom says.

"Well, what do you expect me to say: that I forgive you after you and Dad both lied to me about having a cousin! Or that I should explain to you why I've been feeling sick ever since I turned thirteen! Is that what you want to hear?" I scream at her.

"Look I know that we lied to you, but we did it for good reason," Mom says.

" 'Scoffs' Yeah sure," I say.

"Seriously it wasn't safe in New Orleans people wanted you dead especially your father's Aunt, Dahlia," Mom explains.

"Wait really, that's why you both left New Orleans, because my Great Aunt wants me dead?" I say in shock.

"Yes, it is. and We're both sorry for lying to you for so long but we did it to protect you." Mom says.

Soon I heard Dad knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" He asks I just nod my head.

"Your mother is right, we left New Orleans to protect you, there's no way in hell we would hand you over to Dahlia, so we left, we were already planning to leave New Orleans anyway," Dad says. I just wrap my arms around them both, taking them by surprise, but they soon relax into it. after a few minutes, we pull away. 

"Also quick question, when did you start feeling sick or off?" Dad asks me as I look down at my sheets trying to hide my red puffy eyes.

"the day after my thirteenth Birthday, I just felt it became too much today, like in class my hands glowed orange, I had to see Alaric as soon as possible, he helped me calm down but the other thing was that whenever I was in the sunlight I got this terrible headache and today it was so bad that I doubled over in pain because it was so bad. oh, also I got my neck snapped a few hours ago so that's also bad. " I explain to them. they just sat there shocked until Mom broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, you got your neck snapped a few hours ago," Mom says.

"Yes and speaking of that I need a blood bag so If you'll excuse me," I say as I get up off my bed and walk out of my room and downstairs towards the kitchen and walk over to the fridge and grab out a fresh blood bag and a glass and ripped open the bag and poured it into the glass then gulping it down. Soon enough my parents are in the kitchen with me.

"So what are we going to do, because we can't have you tearing up everyone in town, and if you're like me then you will be a very messy vampire, which I pray not," Dad says to me as I chuckle. 

"Yeah, Dad I know what you're like when you haven't fed in a while," I say, soon I feel my gums start to hurt.

"Ahh!" I groan in pain as I feel my teeth sharpen. Mom rushes to my side and rubs my back to help calm me down. after the pain goes away I sprint to the front hall look in the mirror and see a pair of fangs on either side of my big teeth.

"Dad!" I yell for him soon he comes to my side.

"What is it?" He asks as I turn to him with my mouth open.

"How do we get them back in? I have school tomorrow and I don't want people thinking I'm a freak or finding out what I am." I rant to him.

"Okay calm down, just concentrate on what your teeth looked like before the fangs," Dad says.

I concentrate on how my teeth looked like before and soon enough I open my eyes and look in the mirror to see my teeth back to normal. I hug him and say "Thank you." 

"You're welcome, and as for school, I think it's best if you don't go to school for a little while, until you get your vampire side under control that is," Dad says and I nod. 

After a long day of drama and vampires, I just fall asleep on the couch. As Dad carries me up to my room and places me down on my bed and pulls the covers over me, He kisses me goodnight and leaves my room, letting me get back to my "blissful" sleep.

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