Getting Ready

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Elleri's POV:

As I started to get my clothes and essentials packed away, I thought about what would happen to Wildstar whilst I was away for most of the year. I stopped what I was doing and opened my window, then jumped down to the ground and ran into the woods,

I soon found her, grazing in a patch of grass,

"Hey, whats been going on, I haven't seen you for two days," She said.

"Sorry just a lot going on." I say

"Is it about that school your parents want to send you," She says.

"That's exactly it. so I'm going to go there, but the thing is, you will not survive an entire year without me, so how do you feel about arranging a little stow away mission, so you can see me through the year, and I won't lose my mind being there without my magic." I say.

"Wait, you won't be able to use your magic?" She asks.

"Yeah something about the school having a bad past with some witches, in the late 1800's, something about the witches killing some of the monsters." I explain.

"Well that makes sense. so when are you leaving." She asks me.

"Classes start on Monday, but I'm supposed to be there Sunday, to get settled in." I say.

"So I can just follow you towards the school then find a place to stay for the school year." Wildstar says.

"Alright, but you're going to have to be invisible when we enter the school grounds and also so my parents don't freak about the fact their daughter has a unicorn as a friend, since she was seven." I say to her,, After an Hour of talking I went back home and jumped up to my open window and crawled back into my room, "Welcome back." Mom says, which causes me to bang my head on the window and fall off the windowsill and on the floor.

"Jeez Mom, don't scare me like that, What are you doing in here, I thought you and Dad were working on the magic dampener pendant, that I need for school." I question. I get up off the floor and grabbed some more clothes and started to pack them away.

"We finished it, the better question would be, where have you been," Mom asks me.

"I was just out for some air, needed to get out of the stressful environment, that is packing, and thanks for the pendant," I say as I go to take it from her hand but she pulls her hand away.

"You will get this in a second, but seriously, where were you, I know you weren't out in the front yard, I can see the leaf in your hair, which means you were in the forest, doing what I don't know but I do know that you will tell me when you're ready. anyway here." Mom says as she then hands me a black box which I open and see a beautiful long golden pendant that is in shape of a flower.

"It's beautiful. I love it." I say as I soon put the pendant on, I feel myself be 'cut off' of my magic, "Yep it works, I can't feel my magic whatsoever." I say, after a few more hours I have my bags all at the front door ready to be put in the car tomorrow night. We are leaving Sunday, but it's a two hour drive to the woods on the other side of town.

*Sunday Afternoon*

I'm sitting in the back seat behind dad who is driving. I see Wildstar galloping across the field from us keeping out of sight of my parents but only allowing me to see her. I smile as I see her letting out all her excitement before we get to the school, I soon fall asleep from a very sleepless night last night.

*2 Hours Later*

I awoke to the sound of the car stopping, which only means one thing, that we're here. I sit up and unbuckle my seat belt, then open my door. I walk to the trunk as dad hands me my suitcase and duffel bag, I see something in Mom's hands. she walks up to me, I see that her eyes are glazed over meaning she's close to tears, which is understandable, I am to.

"We thought that you needed a piece of home to go with you" Mom says she sniffles as she hands me the picture frame, I look and see it's when I first did magic, when I was seven. "There's also a little surprise behind the picture," Mom says as I smile, knowing that she wouldn't let me go half of the year without using my magic, it would drain me so much. I soon see a distant shimmer, through some curved tree branches, in the form of an archway.

"Well I guess this is it. I'm going to miss you both so much, but I promise I will call you every night, before bed, and be sure to tell uncle Jack, where I've gone and Auntie Cee, and Jane about what's been going on, since they are the only supernaturals that we know of." I say as I pulled them both Into a family hug, I rested my head on my dad's shoulder as he kissed my head.

"We love you, but be sure to hide those spells don't want them getting into the wrong hands." Dad says

"I wont. Love you too."I say as I walk over to the shimmering archway, and I felt a presence beside me, I knew who it was, but I didn't want my parents to know. I slowly took a step inside the archway and came to a large gate,

"Well here goes nothing," I say as I place my hand onto the gate and it opens, I step onto the campus and felt a big pulse from my hands, I could feel my magic again, but to be honest it never truly went dormant it just wasn't as powerful then it originally was, but now I'm back to full strength.

Let's hope this isn't going to be the worst mistake of my life. I thought as I started to approach the large doors, I opened them and saw....

That's it for The first book, Next book will begin to publish by next week, that's when the real fun starts.

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