Chapter 2

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Davina's Pov:

After a few days' Journey we arrived in New Salem, Kol Called an old witch friend to arrange a house free of rent for us, already fully furnished, with a nursery prepped. We pull into the driveway and see Kol's witch friend standing on the front porch.

we get out of the car and walk up to the porch, to meet with him.

"It's good to see you old friend, thank you for doing this for us it means a lot," Kol says. 

"Well like you said, I owe you and I thought this would make up for it." He said then looked towards me and I smiled awkwardly. "You must be the witch Kol has mentioned to me." 

"Yes I am, it's nice to meet you?" I ask.

"William." He answered

"It's nice to meet you William, and thanks again for helping us out, really especially with our Daughter coming in just a few months," I say.

"Well here you go and congratulations on the baby." He said then walked off the porch and drove off in his car.

"Well, shall you do the honors," Kol said handing me the key, suddenly the key started to levitate and be inserted into the keyhole, we both chuckled. "It seems she already called that she would put the key in." I say. 

"Yeah it seems she has." Kol said.

 I turned the doorknob and opened the door, we saw a beautiful hallway with a set of stairs and two archways on either side of the wall, then one at the end of the hallway. we go and explore the rest of the house. the kitchen was big and airy, and the living room was beautiful with a bay window seat, and enough seats for guests. Then upstairs was mine and Kol's bedroom, the baby's nursery, a guest room, an office, and two bathrooms, one is an on suit to our room, then the main one down the hall. there was also a basement with a fridge, so we could have a place to put some blood bags.

"This place is perfect," I say to Kol as we walk into the baby's room.

"Just think, in just three short months she'll be here," Kol said placing his arms around my bump. I smiled.

 The next day:

Davina's POV:

Kol and I compelled the managers of some stores for us to work just to keep up appearances, Kol is working at the police station, and I'm working as a consultant for the local police station.

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