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Continues from the previous chapter.

*Elleri's POV:*

"So what is it? You can stop stalling now," I say sarcastically.

"The person I was talking to was the headmistress of a high school in another realm that only supernaturals know of," Dad said,

"So how do you know her, and how does Mom not, 'cause she knows everything about you," I say

"She helped me when I was a new vampire, she helped me gain some self-control, but that was ruined by Niklaus," Dad explains Mom and I look at him with a sorrowful look, knowing what my uncle did to him.

"Look, Dad, if it's too hard to talk about, you don't have to," I say to him.

"No, it's fine, Bloodgood is the headmistress of Supernatural Academy. It has students from vampires to sirens, werewolves, witches, and fairies. there classes help you get control of your powers, and it's a school that is far away, so you would need to live in a dorm for the semester, then you'd come back in the summer." Dad explains to me, leaving my mouth agape.

"So essentially, you're sending me to boarding school," I say. Mom and Dad just nod their heads. "What about all my friends here? What will I tell Willa when she doesn't hear from me for a week?" I say to them.

"Elleri, don't worry there is cell service there so you won't be disconnected from the outside world you just can't leave the campus that's all, unless it's for a holiday or vacation days," Dad says to me.

"We've already talked to Bloodgood, and she has agreed to let you enroll in the school even if it's already halfway through the semester. She'll be coming by to meet you and your mother in person next week, sometime." Dad continues.

"So what is the school like cause right now I'm not too thrilled to be shipped hours away from you guys, especially right now?" I state to them.

"Look it's your decision so you can choose not to go, but that does mean you won't be able to control yourself for a while, and it's a once-in-a-chance opportunity, once it's gone you won't get another chance," Dad said then continued with his explanation. "Anyway the school is accepting new supernaturals, and it's big but it does have some good classes, that's all I got from Bloodgood earlier but she'll give you a full explanation when she gets here," Dad says to me.

"Okay, I'm going to bed because It's late and I'm going out tomorrow morning with Willa," I say. I get up off the chair and walk out of the kitchen but as I walk upstairs I hear Mom and Dad talking,

"Well, that went well," Mom says,

 "Yeah, better than I thought it would," Dad replies. I stop listening and walk into my room, I change into my pajamas and crawl into bed and under the covers, and I soon fall asleep.

*Later in the night. 2:00 AM*

Elleri's POV: 

I was woken up by a loud neigh coming from the forest, I jolted up looked out my window, and continued to hear the horse neigh in fear, I knew that neigh from anywhere. I bolt out of my bed and quickly change my clothes into some leggings and a sweater since it's cold out. I vamp speed out of the house and run into the forest.

"WILDSTAR!" I scream and I come and see her being held by some lasso and surrounded by three men, I try and use my vampire side but nothing happens. "Let her go!" I shout gaining the three men's attention, it gave Wildstar enough time to kick the three men away from her and I ran to her and took off the ropes and got onto her back, and we took off towards my house, We stopped at the back door and I noticed her shaking,

"I know you're scared about being found out, but I promise you that I will keep you safe," I say sincerely to her, she nods to me and we quietly walk into the house and up the stairs into my room. she lays down on the floor next to my bed and I change back into my pajamas and get back into bed.

*6 Days later*

Wildstar returned to the forest after I took care of them the day after, which was honestly the only day I had full control but after that, it went back to no control at all.

It was the early afternoon I was sitting on the couch on my phone texting Willa until I heard a knock at the front door, I roll my eyes and walked over to the door and opened it to see a woman wearing a red blazer and skirt and her hair was up in a tight bun. 

"Hello, you must be Elleri, Your father has mentioned you to me before." The lady said, 

"Dad!" I shout, soon he is beside me. 

"Hello, Bloodgood, please come in." Dad said as he moved aside to let her in, she gracefully entered the house and we walked back into the living room, I sat back down where I was while Dad went to get Mom from outside, after a few minutes they both came back in and sat down next to me, 

"So, you must be the headmistress of the school my parents are wanting me to go too." I say with a little sass.

"Bloodgood, I apologise for my daughter's behaviour, she's in a bit of a mood today, anyway, this is my wife Davina, she's a witch who turned into a vampire after Elleri was born." Dad explains.

"It's alright, I understand that New vampires have heighten emotions and senses," Bloodgood explains. then turns back to me. 

"Yes I am, and you must be Elleri, I've heard of what's been happening to you, and it's completely natural for young vampires such as yourself to not have full control over that part of you, but rest assured that at my school, you will gain control, I've heard it's been harder for you because of your witch side," Bloodgood said, I nod slightly at her. 

"So, regarding her living quarters, assuming she does go, she would be in a dorm with three other girls, for the entire semester, and until she graduates, again if she decides to go." Bloodgood says, as I roll my eyes. 

"Now about her Witch powers, Our school has had a bad experience with Witches so she will have to wear something to prevent her to use her magic, because if students find out about a part witch in school, they will be terrified, which we do not want." Bloodgood says, my eyes widen and I look towards my parents and see them just sitting there. 

"Mom, Dad, they can't take my magic away, it would be like turning off my humanity to me, and It would make me weaker," I say to them, they look down with a look of regret on their face. 

"Look. honey it's only for a little while alright. you would be able to focus on controlling your vampire side." Mom says to me, I can't believe they want me to suppress my magic, it's like getting the side of me, the best side of me to take a long nap, like before I became the hybrid.

"Fine, I will not do magic while on school grounds." I say. 

"Perfect then everyone's happy. Classes begin on Monday so If you could come to the school Sunday that would give you  enough time to get settled in." Bloodgood said and we all nodded and she got up and left. 

"So I guess I should start packing. and you should get going on that magic dampener, I suggest a long pendant to make it inconspicuous." I say as I point to mom. I know they both don't want to do this, but it's for my own good if I don't do this then I will be the most uncontrollable vampire that I know of. I could very easily turn off my humanity, but I don't, because If I did, I would've killed so many people that I care about, or who have families of their own.

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