Last Resort and an Old friend

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Kol's POV:

As Elleri storms out of the room, I turn to Davina and see her sad face. I walk to her and pull her into an embrace, and she just breaks down.

"Why is this happening to her? She doesn't deserve this. Just because she's half-witch, she shouldn't be punished for being who she is." She sobs in my arms.

"No, she doesn't. You know I have an idea, but it will be a long shot," I say to her; she looks up into my eyes and I see the pain that she's enduring while Elleri is unable to control her other half. It's been hard for her, too, seeing our only daughter unable to control her emotions.

"Are you sure she'll answer you? I mean, it has been a long time since you guys talked, and she doesn't even know about me." She says.

"I honestly don't know if she will. It's been almost 20 years since we last talked," I say to her.

"Well, let's hope she does 'cause I don't know what we're going to do if Elleri can never control herself," Davina says.

"Hey, she will gain control, alright? we just need some help. Also, when she hears what's been going on with her, she might know how to help." I say to her.

"I hope you're right," Davina says.

*3 hours later.*

Elleri's POV:

I walk back out of my room and walk downstairs. As I near the living room, I hear Dad's voice. It sounds like he's talking to someone.

"It's getting out of hand, she's been losing control almost twice a week now, it's getting out of hand, please just consider it, my wife and I don't know how else to help her, even with us both being vampires it's not enough," Dad says, I can't hear what the other person is saying but soon Dad sighs in relief. "Thank you, Bloodgood, we'll talk to you soon," Dad replies, then hangs up. I walk into the living room with my arms crossed and a suspicious look.

"Dad, who were you talking to?" I ask him, he turns to me and looks nervous.

"I was just talking with your uncle Elijah, he's thinking about coming down to check up on you since he found you last week the night you had the incident," Dad says, but I can tell he's lying. 

"I know you're lying, I heard the whole thing, so what were you talking about, and who is Bloodgood?" I say, he walks toward me and puts his hands on my arms.

"Look, it's nothing you need to worry about. I promise I will explain everything soon, okay? I just need you to know that I will tell you anything you need to know." Dad says sincerely.

"I think it is something for me to worry about, you were talking about me," I say as I step back out of his grasp with a little bit of frustration in my voice, I then continue. "You said that you and Mom don't know how to help me anymore, that even with both of you being vampires it's not enough to keep me from losing control," I say in anger. "You and Mom promised me that you wouldn't lie to me anymore, but I think I misjudged you both on that promise," I say and race out the back door. 

I walk through the forest to my secret spot, I soon hear an all too familiar neigh, I race toward the noise and find WildStar standing there looking content, I remember when we first met when I was 7 before we left for the Salvatore school.

*Flash Back*

8 years ago:

I was walking through the forest to get some air and also practice some magic, when I saw a big tree that looked climbable I started to climb up the big branches, when I suddenly felt something wrap around my waist.

"Agh! Not good! Help!!" I scream, hoping someone will hear me, but I'm too far away from home for Mom or Dad to hear me. I soon feel the tree shake and the vines release me causing me to fall since I'm high up, I wait for the pain to come but I feel someone or something catch me, I roll off and onto the ground, I groan and sit up, seeing a pair of golden hoofs.

"Huh?" I look up and see a beautiful lavender-colored horse with a pastel rainbow mane, I see her golden horn, and I look into her rainbow eyes, and I see myself in them. "This can't be possible," I say. The unicorn walks up to me and helps me up.

"Are you okay?" I hear someone say as I dust myself off. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," I answer, then I realize no one is around except for the unicorn. I look at her in shock. "Wait, did you just talk?" I ask.

"Yes, I did, and I'm glad you're okay. A little girl like you shouldn't be out in the woods alone." She says.

"I was just going for a walk, to practice my magic, I'm sorry If I say a bad thing, but how are you here, I thought unicorns were just a myth in fairy tales like the ones my mommy reads to me," I explain to her.

"Well we most certainly are real we just don't show our true form to humans, we can pass as a regular horse anytime we want, or at least the rest of them can," she says as we start to walk back home. 

"You can't look like a normal horse?" I ask her.

"No I lost my magic after my last rider passed away, so I'm the only unicorn that can't blend in with others so I keep to the forest and stay out of sight," she explains.

"Oh, im sorry that doesn't sound very fun." I say.

"It's okay. I'm used to roaming the forests alone so I can hide better from the humans." She says

"Oh, I forgot to ask your name?" I ask her.

"I'm WildStar," She says.

"I'm Elleri," I say to her.

*End of flashback*

I walk up to her and pet her head.

"Hey, girl, how are you doing?" I say.

"Good, but I feel that you aren't," She says, I sigh and walk over to a rock and sit down on it, I pull my legs up to my chest.

"It's just, Mom and Dad both promised me that they wouldn't lie to me anymore but after today, I don't know if I can trust them anymore, I mean they have lied to me for the majority of my life that I have a cousin, and dad was just on the phone with someone I have never even heard of, he says he will tell me when I need to know, but I honestly don't believe him," I say to her.

"It's going to be alright, Elleri, I know it." Wildstar comforts me.

"Thanks, WildStar, you're a great friend, I'm really glad we met all those years ago," I say to her, I suddenly see the sun start to go down, and I sigh. "Well, time to face the music of my either nervous or angry parents," I say

"Well, if you want to get there faster, let's go!" Wildstar says with exhilaration in her voice. I chuckle at her excitement, and she lays down on the ground. I hop on and hold onto her mane, and she bolts through the forest and towards my house.

As we reach the back porch, I see the kitchen light still on and get off Wildstar, we say goodbye, and I walk inside, I see my parents bolt up from their chairs, and I sigh.

"Okay, so which one is it, angry, worried, or both," I say.

"Neither," Dad says, which surprises me.

"I'd rather both right now," Mom says, which doesn't surprise me at all, I mean I get it I'm her only daughter by some miracle so of course they're both overprotective of me, but Mom especially, but I know she only does it to keep me safe. and so that I don't leave her.

"Look, you don't need to worry about me, I just needed to get some air and go for a much-needed walk. Especially after you both lied to me yet again." I say.

"Elleri, listen. your father and I are looking at sending you back to school." Mom says.

"So we're moving back to Mystic Falls," I ask.

"No, there's no way we're moving back there, ever," Dad says. 

"So where am I going to school then?" I ask them.

"It's a place where people like you can learn to control their supernatural side," Dad says.

"This is related to the phone call today, isn't it," I ask.

"Yes, It is," Dad says... 

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