The next Step

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Elleri's POV:

It has been almost a week since the incident with my blood lust problem. Mom and Dad told Jane and Cee Cee about what happened and they understood, so they helped us drag the dead body out to a secure location and burned him so that there wasn't any evidence, for them to trace back to me.

Mom and Dad are helping me or trying to anyway, to help keep my blood lust under control, by giving me a drop of blood in my water bottle each day, and in the smoothies that I make.

Right now Mom and I are in the backyard practicing a spell that I remember doing when I turned seven.

*Flash Back*

I sat at the table in the kitchen blowing out the candles on my cake. Mom and Dad smiling behind me.

"Elle remember that promise we made to you when you were four?" Dad asks me.

"Yeah?" I say as I look at Mom and Dad, seeing smiles creep onto their faces.

"Well, we have a little surprise waiting for you in the backyard," Mom says as I waste no time getting out of my chair and sprinting out the back door. After a few minutes, Mom and Dad walk out, Mom holding a spell book in her hands. mom walks over to the little gazebo and places the spell book on the little table there, I walk up the steps and over to the table, and I see a vase with two wilted roses in it. Mom flips to a page in the spell book then takes out one of the wilted roses in the vase, and she gives it to me.

"Alright, you ready for this?" Mom asks me.

"Yes, I'm ready," I answer her.

"Okay repeat after me, Belle la vie a cette fleur, maintentant," Mom says. I close my eyes and concentrate.

"Belle la vie a cette fleur, maintentant." I chant, and once I open my eyes the rose still looks wilted.

"It didn't work?" I say sadly.

"You sure about that?" Mom says and she points to the once small sapling and sees it has blossomed into a beautiful cherry blossom tree.

"Did I do that?" I ask with a shocked voice.

I hear Dad's footsteps come closer to us and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Indeed you did darling," Dad says to me. I smile at them and jump into their arms wrapping my arms around their necks.

"We're very impressed love, that would have taken a lot of energy from you, but you seem fine," Dad says to me.

"Well, I feel fine," I say.

*End of Flash Back*

As I did the spell, it worked, but soon the flower started to turn white and then it exploded.

after a few hours of practising some spells with Mom, Dad came and got me, to do our "lesson" as I like to call it.

"Elleri!" Dad shouted from the back door.

"Coming!" I yell back. I jump down from the gazebo's roof and vamp speed towards the door before I crash through a wall Dad catches me just as I'm about to go through the kitchen wall.

"Whoa easy there, there will be a time and place for that but right now all you need to focus on is your control alright," Dad says. I nod.

we enter the kitchen and Dad starts his lesson.

"Okay so pop quiz, you will have sixty seconds to answer, go. When someone is bitten by a werewolf what happens to vampires?" Dad asks me.

"The vampire is in pain and the only thing that can cure them is either a hybrid blood or the blood of said werewolf," I answer.

"Correct. Next question, when your senses are heightened and you smell blood, what will you do? A: Drink from said human but not enough to kill them, B: Drink them dry, or C: Walk away and resist the temptation." Dad says.

"C: Resist the temptation," I say.

"Correct. Next, what is the purpose of a daylight ring?" Dad asks.

"To protect vampires from burning to ash from the sun," I answer.

"Correct. what does Vervain do to vampires."

"Vervain is lethal to vampires, so it can kill them," I answer.

"Correct. Final question, How can you tell an Original vampire from a natural vampire?" 

"Original vampires are immune to vervain, they don't need a daylight ring, and they are 1000 years old. For natural vampires they are not immune to vervain, they do need a daylight ring, and they are only a couple centuries old, at least." I answer.

"And time! you do know your supernatural facts." Dad said.

"Well I learned from the best, I just need to learn how to do it in reality," I say

"I mean I did teach you everything you know," Dad says.

"What no, I'm talking about Uncle Elijah," I say

"What, when has he ever told you a fact about the supernatural world?" Dad asks.

"Seriously, don't you remember my 12th birthday when he came down to Mystic Falls for a few days? We sneaked out of the house after dark and went to the library and found some old legends about vampires, werewolves, and even witches. The next morning you and mom were looking all over the house for me since we fell asleep there." I explain.

"Wait that's where you both went?" Mom's voice came from behind me, I turned to look at her.

"Yes did you both think I got all my information from the books we have here, or in Mystic Falls?" I question them, and soon I am taken over by a sudden urge to feed, my parents also smell the blood and look concerned, 

"Elleri, Don't," Dad says but it is too late my vision becomes red I run out the back door and straight into the forest.

As I'm running I hear all the animals, but soon I smell some fresh blood from a mountain climber, I speed towards him and climb up the mountain, once I almost reach him, I hear someone call my name.

"Elleri stop!" I turn my head around quickly and see my dad standing there with his hands out to try and stop me.

"I need you to calm down okay, look I'm sorry I didn't realize there'd be people this far from the trails," Dad says. I look back to see the climber back on the trail. 

[Grunts]" I have to get out of here." I say roughly.

"Okay, I can help you," Dad said, but I just ignored him and jumped off the cliff.

"Or not," Dad says as he goes after me.

After we run through the forest for a bit we come up on a mountain lion, I jump off the rock pounce on its back and sink my fangs into its neck, drinking it, after I finish I feel my red eyes become more blue than red. Dad and I walk back home and see Mom pacing back and forth in the kitchen with a worried look on her face. Soon we walked in and she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Thank god you're okay, what happened to you?" Mom asks me, I shake my head.

"I-I don't know," I say as my voice starts to break.

"you lost control, your eyes turned red and you bolted out the door," Dad explains to me.

"I... I can't keep going on like this, I can't keep losing control, every time I smell blood." I say with a raspy voice then storm out of the room and upstairs to my room and slam the door.

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