First Outburst

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It has been a full 2 years since Elleri became the original witch and vampire hybrid, she has more control over her witch powers now but her vampire side is somewhat under control but still unpredictable, so Elleri is now 15 years old.

Elleri's Pov:

It was a nice summer day mom and I were practicing a spell in the living room, to put everything back to normal. Yes, we moved back to New Salem almost a month after my vampire side came out. Anyway, we did the spell and thankfully it worked as everything floated back to where it was.

"Great job sweetheart, it took me almost a week to get that spell right," Mom says as I giggle.

"Well you know I've been practicing," I say.

I hear my phone ping and see a text from one of my friends here, Willa, she's a werewolf. I read the text it says:

Hey Elle, are you busy tonight?, was thinking we could go out tonight, found a bar we can go to and already got our fake ID ready.

I smile at the text reply with a simple yes and turn off my phone.

"Was that Willa?" Mom asks.

"Yeah, it was, just asking me something." I lie, not going to tell her that I'm going to a bar tonight.

4 hours later:

I was just finishing up my makeup, as I looked at the outfit that I was wearing tonight. A royal blue strapless top with flowy pants, my hair was in a half up half down style. I grab my white purse and put my phone and wallet in then grab my white fur jacket and walk downstairs and see my parents are too focused on each other to notice until I turn the doorknob.

"Where do you think you're going?" Dad says from the couch.

"Um... Out with Willa, we're just going to the café for a chat, I'll be back in an hour." I say.

"Alright just be back for 11:00, you've got a busy day tomorrow," Mom says. 

"Yeah," I shout then open the door and leave the house causing the door to slam shut as I jog down the front path, once I'm out the front gate I vamp speed to the Bar.

~The Bar~

"Hey, you made it!" Willa says.

"Hell yeah, wouldn't miss this for the world," I say, we walk in and order some drinks, from the bartender. after we get our drinks we go sit down in a booth.

"So how've you been?" Willa asks me.

"Um good, mom is teaching me some spells she learned when she was a witch," I say.

"Wait I thought she was a witch?" Willa says.

"She was, until I was born then she became a vampire," I explain.

"Oh," Willa said.

"How have you been feeling lately with the whole vampire side of you."

"Fine," I say.

After we have a few more drinks and by we I mean Willa, she goes home. As I'm walking towards the restroom, I get a sudden burning in my throat, and a lust for blood. As I stumble out the back door of the bar and into the alleyway, I hear some footsteps, I turn around and see it's a drunk man. he tries to attack me but my vampire instincts kick in and suddenly I'm drinking him dry, after that everything is black.

~ 4 hours later ~ No one's POV:

Elijah is walking down the street of New Salem, until he hears the sound of a heartbeat that he can recognize from a mile away, He jogs towards the sound, and finds his niece unconscious on the ground, and a drunk dead man beside her, he notices the blood on her face and sighs.

"Well this is unfortunate." He says as he picks Elleri up and places her in the backseat of his car, then drives towards Kol and Divina's house.

~5 Minutes later~ 

Elleri's POV:

I groan awake as I see I am in the back of my uncles car.

"Ugh what happened." I ask.

"Welcome back, want to tell me why I found you unconscious in a back alley behind the bar?" Uncle Elijah said.

"I lost control, I couldn't handle the constant burning in my throat anymore, it just became too much, then I caved." I say as tears start falling down my cheeks.

"Well it's over now, and I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but we need to explain this to your parents." Uncle Elijah says. I nod my head agreeing that it is a good Idea to tell them.

"I know." I say.

soon we reach home and Elijah helps me out of his car and up the steps, as I enter the living room I see both my parents angry faces and I look away not wanting to see them pissed at me right now.

"Where have you been, we've been worried sick! You can't just disappear for 4 hours without a word." Mom yells.

"I mean seriously Elleri, you know our rules, If you're going to be home later then tell us, instead of going MIA for hours on end, we're your parents and its our job to know where you are, I mean seriously your mother and I were about to ask Jane or Cee Cee to help track you down." Dad yells. He has never yelled at me, i mean he has but not like this.

"Well I didn't have much of a choice since I was unconscious for most of it, while I was unaware I was killing someone!, Seriously have either of you ever had a constant burning in your throat, that hurts more than bursting into flames? I do, it's what I've been feeling for the past two years, and finally it has ended." I yell. Mom and Dad just stand there shocked. 

"Why didn't you just tell us this." Mom asks me.

"Well I didn't think you would want a monster as a daughter!" I scream letting my true thoughts out. I walk towards the couch and slump down and pull my legs up to my chin and sob.

"Elleri you are no monster. if anything it's your grandfather who's a monster." Dad says as he sits down next to me, and pulls me into his arms, soon mom joins us and Uncle Elijah takes this time to exit the house.

"Yeah your father's right, your grandfather is a bigger monster than your uncle Klaus ever was. Besides, your vampire side is still getting used to being out of its deep sleep for 15 years." Mom says as I lean my head on her shoulder. after our moment I didn't realize how tired I was until my eyes began to droop down, and I was embraced by a calm slumber.

No one's POV:

Kol and Davina soon look down and see their daughter fast asleep on her mothers shoulder, Kol carefully picks her up and carries her up to her room, and tuck her in.

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