Chapter 4: Elijah's visit

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3 Months later:

Davina's POV:

It's been the best and most blissful 3 months since Elleri was born, Kol and I were beyond happy, about a month after Elleri was born Kol proposed to me and I of course said yes. were still getting the wedding preparations started because we've been so busy taking care of Elleri.

it's now Fall and Kol and I are celebrating our final week of maternity leave, we were all cuddling on the couch together, watching the news when there was a knock on our front door, I got up and went to answer it, I opened the door and was shocked to see who it was. Elijah, Kol's brother.

"Hello Davina, so nice to see you after so long." He says.

"Kol!" I shout causing him to walk over to me with Elleri in his arms, as he reaches the front door Elleri is reaching for me so I take her from Kol and hold her in my arms. thankfully Elijah hasn't noticed her yet but he will.

"Elijah what an unpleasant surprise, what are you doing here?" Kol asked him.

"I came on behalf of Niklaus, he is apparently in need of your help, both of you," Elijah explains to us.

"Seriously, Elijah. It's always Niklaus-related whenever you need my help, isn't it? Well, sorry to disappoint you but whatever it is he needs help with he can deal with it without us, as we're kind of preoccupied at the moment." Kol said as he looked down at Elleri in my arms.

Elijah looked down to see Elleri in my arms and a shocked expression was soon plastered onto his face.

"Why don't you come inside so we can explain," Kol said as he stepped to the side to let him walk in.

"I think that would be most beneficial." He said, we all walked into the living room and sat down on the couches with Elleri in my arms.

"So who is she?" Elijah asked pointing to Elleri as she started to reach for my hair.

"Elijah meet your niece Elleri," Kol says.

"That can't be possible, vampires can't procreate," Elijah says.

"She can show you if you let her," Kol says as he nods to me saying I can bring Elleri toward Elijah.

as I reach Elijah I sit down next to him and pass Elleri to him, she reaches up to touch his cheek, but he pulls back.

"Don't be scared, this is how she communicates," I say as Elleri touches his cheek, suddenly a memory of her birth comes to his mind as the memory fades his expression turns to a happy smile.

"What was that?" Elijah asked.

"She showed you the first memory of me, the night she was born," I explain.

"Extraordinary. how." Elijah asked.

"I read somewhere that when witch and vampire hybrids are born, they have a special ability aside from the normal vampire and witch magic, she's gifted," I told him.

Elleri soon began to whine as I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:30.

"Okay it's her bedtime I'm going to put her to bed," I say as I take her from Elijah's arms, and walk to the stairs and into her room, I change her into her pyjamas, and turn on her nightlight, then put on some calm sounds to help her fall asleep. I kiss her goodnight, grab her monitor, and walk out of her room closing the door. I place a soundproof spell on her door so she can't hear us downstairs but we can hear her from downstairs.

As I'm walking down the stairs I hear some arguing,

"I won't go back there ever, I have a life here now, don't expect us to just drop everything here and reunite with our mess of a family, just because Nik needs us to do some life-threatening plan," Kol says. I chose this time to walk in and intervene.

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