chapter 3: The Birth

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3 months later:

Davina is due in one week.

Davina's Pov:

Kol and I are in the briefing room being briefed on what's been going on for the past few days.

"And those of you patrolling 7th Avenue, please be aware of the new pedal pubs. they're bike-powered mobile bars that are very popular for bachelorette parties, but unfortunately, they have led to a dramatic increase in the rarely seen case of female public urination." Terry said

"That's everything, but a quick reminder that today is Davina's last day before maternity leave. We'll see you in three months." Captain Smith says.

"She gets three months off? can I take a maternity leave?" Scully says.

"Are you giving birth to a baby?" Kol asked sarcastically.

"I'm getting a seven-pound mass removal from my abdomen next week," Scully says we all groan in disgust.

"Yeah, never ask Scully questions. that's on me guys!" Kol says.

"Dismissed," Terry said as everyone left the briefing room.

"So have you guys decided on a name yet?" Jack says

"We're not telling people until she's born," I say

"Not the baby's name-- my name. what's she gonna call me? uncle Jay? Uncky J -- JJ, so she says it early?" Jack says 

"Maybe just Jack?" I say.

"Wait, so my dad gets to be her "Pop-pop," but I'm just Jack?" Jack says.

"Your dad does not get to be her "Pop-pop," Kol says as we both shake our heads.

"Well, I hope you're prepared to make that phone call," Jack says then suddenly all the lights go out.

"Uh, what was that?" Kol says as we all walk out to the roof.

"Wow, all of New Salem lost power," Jack says.

"You know, I've always liked blackouts. Listen to how quiet it is, so peaceful." Kol said.

suddenly loud gunshots were heard and screams erupted through the pitch-black city.

"Nope, it immediately turned into a purge. Alright, let's suit up." Kol says as we all walk back into the precinct.

"Maybe it's not so bad out there. I mean none of our phones are ringing." Jack said.

"That's because all the cell towers are down. Nobody has landlines so they can't call in." Cee Cee says.

"So only Captain Smith or Terry can Initiate Actual blackout protocol, but I don't see them anywhere," I say we hear loud shouting coming from the closed elevator.

"Yeah, they're trapped in there," Kol says.

"No, that means we have to call the fire department (Gags). "Cee Cee says

"Or hear me out, we leave them in there and move on emotionally," Kol says.

"No Call the Fire department. Alright, Jane since you are the highest-ranking officer you'll take charge. we can work together." I say as Jane nods to me.

"Uh shouldn't you be resting, your shift's over, you're on maternity leave, as the baby's JJ" Jack says then I intervene.

"Jack I'm fine, and this is an emergency, subways aren't running," I say

"And we're going to have a lot of people on the street," Jane said.

"Jane, can you call mounted division to help with crowd control?" I ask she nods.

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