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I did not just moan the name of the school's bad boy. Nooooo, this cannot be happening. I don't even have a crush on him, plus I don't think it helps that I thought he could be my stalker. 

Sure he's attractive and I've seen him around, but I've never actually talked to him. And I sure as hell am not doing that anytime soon either. What is wrong with me lately.

I get myself cleaned up and ready for bed, having that feeling I'm being watched again. But I triple. checked the locks, the doors and the entire house. Especially after what happened last time.

Surprisingly today, I didn't receive anything from my stalker, which was low-key disappointing. Maybe he'll leave a note tomorrow?

Lying down in bed I can't help but think to myself, why haven't I gone to the police about this? For some odd reason I've thought about it but could never bring myself to actually do it. I know I know, others would've immediately gone to the police and been scared out of their mind. Especially after a break in!

Me though? I didn't really feel scared. More so, a thrill but also safe at the same time. It was like I knew whoever my stalker was, wouldn't hurt me. You also have to think, I'm single and lonely as fuck, so it's nice to have some attention.

I stay up a little longer than I wanted to, lost in my thoughts , just staring at my ceiling. That's when I hear my window crack open. SHIT, I FORGOT TO CHECK THE WINDOW! It was too late to pretend to sleep, or even hide, so I did what I usually do in a panic. I grabbed my Math Book and flew it at the intruder's head. 

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK!" He looks at me through his Ghost Face mask, "I didn't know you were still up. HEY NO, PUT IT DOWN!" 

I put down the Science Book I had in hand ready to fly it at him again. Didn't want to piss him off.

"Obviously, I'm still up, I couldn't sleep." Sitting down on my bed with my back leaning against my headboard, don't know why I would tell him that, but I did. He moves to my bed, leaning up against the headboard right next to me, and I couldn't help but check him out. 

Black seems to be his color, which makes sense since it seems to be a habit of his, breaking and entering. "Like what you see firecracker?" I could tell by the tone of his voice he was smirking. Cocky ass motherfucker. Rolling my eyes, I don't say anything.

He's not wrong , I do like what I see, and his voice wasn't much help either because of how attractive he sounded. But I wasn't going to confess that, the fuck. I'm already judging myself, and I don't need him judging me too.

After a couple more minutes of silence, I ask, "why do you call me firecracker?"  I know it's a stupid question, but I didn't know what else to ask or say. Probably would've been a better question to ask him why he's stalking me.  Or find out who he is.

Glancing at me he says, "because this is the second time I've came into your room and you threw something at my head," he chuckles. "Well, what did you expect? Me to run up, give you a kiss and hug?" "Maybe," he says turning his head to me.

"In all seriousness though, I call you Firecracker because your personality just gives off that vibe." Am I blushing? Yes, yes, I am. Talk about having a way with words.

"Cute," I say not knowing how to respond to that. "I'm surprised you haven't called the police yet. You seem pretty calm over the fact you have a stalker, not to mention having a whole ass conversation with him." He's not wrong. 

I couldn't bring myself to call the police or anything like that, he made me feel safe more than in danger. So, I didn't feel the need to do anything.

After a while of talking, or more so me venting and him listening. I started to get drowsy and drifted off to sleep without realizing it. As I drifted to sleep, I hear him chuckle to himself as he moves me to lay down, "sweet dreams Firecracker."

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