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Waking up in the morning, I check the time on my phone, 6:45AM. Still early.

The events that happened last night are still playing through my mind. I couldn't get over the fact that eyes were freaking beautiful! Oh, and his voice. So deep. I feel my hand slowly reaching down my panties, but I snap myself out of it and stop before even thinking about masturbating to a stranger I never even met before.

Shaking my head, I throw off my blanket and head to my bathroom to get ready. Mom is gone for a month, so it's just me and Sunshine. Which I do enjoy, but it does get a little lonely at times.

Today I'm feeling lazy on getting ready, so I just throw on whatever I grab from my closet and dresser. Then head to the kitchen for a quick energy drink because I am dead tired.

Before heading out I make sure Sunshine is fed and her water bowl is filled. Gosh, I hope today is fast and easy.

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