09. NGO Invitation

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"Destiny has it's own play and you never know how and when it will interconnect you by it's own"
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Karan is back to his daily routine where he wakes up from his sleep and the first thing he does is to see his son. He then gets a shower together with him in their bathtub making a bubble soapy water and even plays there with him making the bathing time longer than needed. And Riya keeps on yelling at both of them from outside to hurry up or else they will be really late. But giving no heed to it they do what they wish for and keep on nagging her.

Getting tired of them she goes to get ready for the kitty party she was planning to have today. It was her turn this week to organise a best party for her social elite status which her husband ruins smoothly whenever he gets a chance. Anyways she runs a call to her manager to know how much the arrangements are done and how's it going.

She gets to know the event organiser is running a few minutes late and that's why there's a hustle going there and hearing it her head blows. She threatens her manager to get everything well organised before time and no problem should arise in her party which harms her reputation at any cost. Because every lady going to come was influential and powerful and people like this are a big fan of fake ego arrogance just like her and don't leave a single chance to belittle anyone. And this time she can't let her party get ruined like last time and be a joke of the month in her friend circle.

Getting ready she leaves for the venue bidding bye to her son and husband who are now getting dressed up. Her son kisses her cheeks and she kisses him back while giving a flying kiss to Karan.

When Karan and his son get ready in their respective dress code, they go downstairs to have breakfast and leave. Karan drops him first at his school with a promise of picking him off from school and taking him to the park. After that he heads towards his office while Shalini gets busy with her work and her husband stays at home doing gardening.

Karan reaching office was sweetly greeted by his secretary and as he enters his cabin she tails behind him. She explains his whole routine which seems lined up for evening and he stops her showing his one hand in air.

"Cancel the evening schedule as I promised my son already. And you know no one is above him..", he says taking his head in the swirl chair.
"But.. sir this can make us get into a trouble.. they all are our old clients", she tries to explain.

"I said no.. Michelle", he hisses.
"But..", she tries again.

According to her duty and role it was her responsibility to save her boss from facing losses which because of his negligence he was already going through. His business was in a stable position but that's because of the staff working hard day and night or else he would have destroyed it before only.

"Sir,.. many people are working behind you for the sake of this company. And for that reasons I can't let you do this", she said sternly.

She was adamant to not let go her boss so easy on others hard work. Keeping the sacred cat inside her buried she speaks up for others and Karan dangerously glares at her for the courage she showed.

"Fine…!! If you are so concerned about them. Ask the colleagues of yours to get ready now because I want my schedule cleared from 4-6 pm. Am I clear?", he says in a cold voice.

Michelle almost lost her breath when she heard him speak thinking he must be yelling at her and even fire her. But her pretty little brain took a whole minute to analyse what he said and sighed with relief.

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