40. Hearty talk!!

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"Where there are smiling faces, there are people with evil eyes ready to jinx them"

Few days passed

Dia has been very busy in her life for the past few days or maybe you can say she was escaping from tensions and hurdles of her life. She drowned herself totally in work making Claire and her team having a tough time as well. Krish barely got her time in calls and video calls because physically she was just unavailable. And for a relief Karan remained away from her side not coming near her eyesight much. While Riya and Shalini just kept on going and Kabir just remained busy with his grandson and few works.
Today, missing Dia badly he planned something for them and as Dia was getting ready in front of the mirror he called her.

"Hello…my love!", his voice melted in her ears.

A smile dangled on her lips as she fixed her collar and reached for the comb. She replied with the same sweetness making his heart skip a beat.

"I miss you… and I want something from you", he cutely muttered in a soft tone and she went musing.

"Want? Want what?", she muttered quizzically as her eyebrows inwards down.

"First turn on the camera..", he whined with a pout.

A throaty chuckle left her lips as she stopped combing her hair and turned the VC on.

"Hmmm… say now!", she said in a breathy tone.

Dia sat at the tool and stared at the screen with loving eyes at Krish. She doesn't know why but there was peace in her heart after seeing him. His one glance and all the negativity was blocked to come around her as if he put a guard shield around her. She smiled with all the heart and soul and he smiled back at her.

"First you need to promise me something..", he demanded.
"Okay.. and what's that?", she said, rolling her eyes with a blush as she licked her plump lips.

Krish's eyes darkened for a second seeing the way her lips were licked by her tongue. An urge to suck and lick them developed inside her for a flash moment and he gulped hard.
"Cancel all your schedule for today from 3 pm for the rest of the day", he said chirping.

"And why so?", she asked, blushing.

"Bcoz I have planned our date for today. And you are not refusing it at any cost. Just do as I ask and that's final", he said like a stubborn kid.

Krish crossed his arms above his chest and turned his face aside from her showing he is angry and upset. While Dia went amazed with his reaction and sighed deeply giving into his demands.

"Okay… anything else, sir?", she asked humbly.

"Yes, I love you!!", he chirped excitedly and Dia she bursted in joyful laughter.

"I love you too…!", she replied.

They chatted for a while longer than usual as Dia went to her bed and took a cushion in her lap. While Krish who was already sitting at his bed laid on his stomach with a pillow pulled close to him. They talked like there was no tomorrow and kept on going freely making up for all those few days she couldn't give proper time to him.
Meanwhile, Claire came to her room to call her down but as she saw her busy with Krish and eavesdropped a little on their conversation; she made her schedule clear for the whole day.

After an hour or so she realised she was on call for a long time as her hands started aching while holding the phone for so long. She looked at the call duration and was amazed to find it was more than an hour and they both laughed on that for another fifteen minutes.

"Okay bye… will meet you at the surprise date at 5 pm in Heaven's door. A driver will be there for my Queen on time and remember, wear white..", he chirped and cut the call quickly giving a flying kiss.

Dia giggled and blushed hard as his charming face with notorious mischief mixed in it. He whispered 'Love you too!!' and laid flat on her bed smiling more. It was like a refreshing gust of wind which made her alive again while her stomach was having zillions of butterflies tickling her.

"Wait… surprise date!! Didn't he reveal we are going on a date?", she questioned herself.

But shrugging it she shook her head and laid like that for another few minutes with the sweet smile on her face plastered.

Meanwhile, as blossom flowers of love were blooming in two hearts while at a small distance someone was planning to jinx that. That person wanted to snatch that beautiful smile, the music in her voice, that calm in her life and face. And after eavesdropping her conversation she knows when the right time is there for it.

The mere concept of rage, jealousy, envy, or vengeance blinds a person. And as a result of this blindness, a person crosses all boundaries and forgets humanity.

On the other hand, Karan was sulking in grief while having a call with his brother in the office. He was sharing his pain and misery which he himself brough for him.

"I was drunk Sammy disturbed by Krish and her bond. My hired man just got me some pictures of them from their private island and then Riya. Gosh… She never leaves a chance to remind me about Krish being 'her' fiance. And then when I entered her room she was being lovey dovey with him on call and… th-..that just burned me internally." "Yeahhh…hmm then…", his brother hummed.

"Then what .. I kinda forced her after losing my shit_", he said with guilt in his voice.

"W–hat??", he literally screamed out his lungs.

"Yes… and then the slap she landed on my cheeks..  fuck!! It's still ringing in my ears?", he said remorsefully.

"Whoa… hahahaha..", he laughed his lungs out. "You deserved it bhai… after all what you expect after that?", he said between his laughs.

He then continued sharing all the stories of events occured. Karan also let her know what happened recently and how she slapped Riya. Sammy was on Dia's side after hearing that and even said she should be giving more slaps to her. But then one word got him hooked and unknowingly he asked out.

"H-ho-ws Far-ha?", he asked hesitantly.

"She… she is fine doing great with her boyfriend Derek. Dude… she is still damn rude and ready to kill with her words every time", Karan replied momentarily.

Hearing this Sammy went silent. His lips were sealed, pulling off the smile he had on it. His heart clenched tight and throat got dry. The sadness in his heart reflected through his eyes and lone tears escaped his eyes. Karan sensing the sad vibes, realised his brother is silent.

"I'm sorry brother…. I-I didn't realise you..", he was cut off in the middle.
"You don't need to be sorry Bhai… it's my destiny now… my one mistake has changed all my life. And because of me you lost your love as well", he mumbled.

Karan was about to console him but before that Sammy kept the call and turned his phone off.

"Some mistakes turn out to be the biggest sin of your life."

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