38. Mock

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"Karma is a mirror that shows you the depth of your reality which you want to hide from everyone"

Riya's slowly burning emotions kept on growing. The devil, which she wanted to not come out fully, was slowly coming out at the last stage of its peak.

Riya couldn't sleep a bit last night thinking about how humiliating it is to be bossed around in your own fucking house. This mansion was hers, which she has preserved in these five years and ran according to her choice. But now that Divya has been ruling, this all seems like a bloody joke to her. She was still not able to digest or adjust herself to the reality that she was no longer the ruling lady, but Divya. But she has a strong feeling that after today, this thing will be cleared from her head as well.

She got up early, and as Divya asked after doing her daily routine, she asked the chefs to get the continental dishes ready. She later kept the house in order to get the living room neat and clean and also a bit decorative. The cushion covers were changed, new flowers were brought, vases were changed, curtains were new, and all the furniture was shining brightly. She made sure to have everything top-notch while her mother-in-law was busy with chefs. Later, they went to get ready while Dia kept keen eyes on them, staying in her room during the day to attend some on-call meetings and review files.


As the clock struck 4 p.m., one by one, people started coming and were welcomed by Riya and her mother-in-law. Divya sent a maid, saying she is busy, so they should attend the guest until the host, aka her, gets free. They had a constant hesitant, nervous smile on their faces, which even after a lot of trials they couldn't hide. Everyone arriving just gave an insulting laugh, taunt, smile, or pity to both of them, who were in their own house and were allowed to stay because of Dia's pity for them.

All these awkward smiles and hellos are still going to be ignored when one of her enemies shows up. That lady was dressed in a white saree from the latest designer collection with silver work on it. This was an exclusive edition from one of the most famous designers, Abram Kamil. With that, she had a pure diamond set, a simple and elegant one with matching medium-sized earrings, and a Chanel handbag.

Riya rolled her eyes internally as she knew this lady in white had intentionally dressed like this to show her that now she couldn't afford such dresses. And this damn thing boils her blood, making her imagine the murder plan of this pretty caked face. But controlling her emotions, she plastered a big smile and gave a light hug with an air kiss.

"Oh hello…darling! Hello, aunty! After so long, have I met you, dear? Gosh... I was so worried for you, but now I'm at peace seeing you all fine with a few fine lines on your face. After all, after losing the whole empire, being a guest in your own house wouldn't have been easy, right?", one of her so-called friends, Mrs. Irani, mocked her.

'More than that, your fucking overacting fake concern, and this show off is hard to resist', she muttered internally.

Riya just smiled in return, though the urge to smack her face was getting high. But fisting her hands, she passed a tight smile to her and nodded softly, while her mother-in-law did the same, looking everywhere but at them. The mocking session carried on as more guests started coming, and at last, as they finally felt like sighing in relief, Farha entered with her sassy attitude.

"Oh hi… Riya!! Namastey Aunty! I hope you have arranged everything at its peak as a party lover", she said joyfully.

"You know what? I'm loving this look on your face. Pity you!", Farha whispered in her ears as she hugged Riya.

Riya gritted her teeth, passing a forced smile on her face, while Karan's mother left for the kitchen, not able to handle more.

Farha went inside, joining others, while Riya, growling internally, went behind her. They all took their seats and looked around the mansion, praising its look, which made Riya a bit proud of her. But it all shattered as Dia entered with her bad-vibe attitude, sending cringes to Riya with her clicking heels sound.

"Yes, this is indeed beautifully decorated by my dearest Riya. She loves to decorate my house and keep it top-notch, you know", Dia said.

Riya felt her ears getting heated when she indirectly tried to remind her that this house no longer belongs to her but to Divya. The mocking in Dia's tone was evident to everyone, which made them suppress their lips and laugh looking at Riya.

"I must say, Riya, you changed a lot after marriage. Or else the one whom I knew from childhood wouldn't have even picked up a glass and move it", Farha said, lightly punching her shoulder as if they were old buddies.

"Of course, she didn't; after all, that was her own house, where she lived like a queen. And here... well, the queen has now turned into a slave", The last line was more like a whisper coming out from Mrs. Irani.

Everyone laughed a muffled laugh at that statement, secretly looking at Riya while she was fuming. While Divya, aka Dia, smirked as the mocking session got a bit airborne again, targeting Riya. She was loving the way Riya was getting embarrassed, ashamed, and most importantly, trying to swallow her pride and ego.

On the other hand, Shalini was asking the servants to take the starters out, but they denied it, saying they didn't have permission. Shalini felt like getting buried under the ground, wondering if they wouldn't help. How will she get all these items there? She kept on looking at the floor helplessly while the servants left one by one, making her growl in annoyance. She was stuck between her pride and duty when Divya called out for food orders from the living room.

Shalini sighed and swallowed, trembled and hesitated, but pushing the trolley out came into the living room anyway. Riya was surprised to see that and then gasped in shock with everyone as she started serving those dishes on the table. Tears were burning her eyes as she felt that feeling at the most humiliating time of her life.

Seeing this, Divya felt sorry for her and stopped her from doing so. She then looked at Riya and asked her to do so, which made her slip from her feet while others enjoyed that reaction.

She darts her eyes at Divya and shrugs her shoulders as if trying to say indirectly, 'Wh-at meee? No way…! Are you crazy?'.

Divya loved the expression on her face, but instead of masking it, she spelled it out again when Riya was in an unbelievable mode to make her believe she actually wanted her to do so.

"Riya, help them out after all, they are our guests' ", she said with a big fake smile and evil dancing in her eyes.

Riya felt her eyes balling out, and she gave her a "Whatthe-fuck?" look.

While Divya was eyeing the plates and then at the guests with a smirk on her lips.

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