18. I love you

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A/N: This is one of my favourite chapter and I hope you all love it 🥰✌️ 😇

"Nothing in this world can make my love less for you and I can swear this on my life."

Dia after calming down went to get freshen up and Krish waited for her in the room. The clock read 4:30 am now and he knew Dia was empty stomach from evening. So, calling the room service he ordered a few of her favourites for her to eat. Forgetting that he himself has an empty stomach as well. As he skipped lunch to get the workload finished early so that he can come to Dia. And even now his all concern and worry was attached to her being the only top most priority for him.

Meanwhile, Dia inside the washroom cascading her clothes was about to go for a shower but stopped seeing herself in the mirror. She stood in front of the mirror in just her under garments and her eyes travelled at those deep marks above her left breast and at the end of her rib cage in right. Those marks were given to her with a hot rod the day before she decided to run away from that captive hold. And even after plastic surgery it faded a lot but still the mark was visible to her naked eyes. Whenever she touched it she could hear that loud scream of her clearly tearing her throat. And thus she stopped seeing it. In fact she doesn't have a mirror in her washroom but only one in her room to hide those marks with concealer.

But today when she was already so disturbed and accidentally saw those wounds in mirror. Her hands shaking reached up to touch it, reliving those days and pain again.

She turned a bit slightly and looked at the biggest mark on her body which was on her back. It was given to her when she refused to submit herself easily to that asshole and he carved a mark on her back with a sharp knife's point getting heated. He then assaulted her the whole night later on and she kept on screaming and crying in pain which only sent a wave of satisfaction to that man's heart.

More than half an hour passed while recalling everything and she lost track of time. She didn't know anything about the present and was lost in those lanes of the past, drowning herself in that agony again.

Krish on the other hand kept on waiting but when the clock read 5:10 am he couldn't wait anymore and went toward the washroom. He knocked softly at the door twice and then thrice called her name but she didn't respond making his muscles tense. He feared she must have fainted or something would happen again and without giving a second thought he barged inside only to feel embarrassment dawning upon him.

Dia was standing almost naked in her lingeries visible to his eyes and his whole body froze. His jaw dropped down as an inaudible gasp left his mouth. His eyes travelled from head to foot and it just blew his mind off for a second. But then soon it clicked to his brain what he just did and he turned his back to her feeling ashamed and embarrassed to invade her private time. He felt like an idiot for getting worried for her and cursed himself under his breath for letting concern took over his head before making him think back and forth.

Shitt…!!! How can I just…?
Damn it!!
What must she be thinking about me right now?
You need to apologise to Dia, Krish…You can't just invade her private space like that and … shit!!

"I-I I'm so so-r-ry…. I didn't… I mean I thought you..", he started jumbling and stammering but stopped sensing something was off.

"Dia…", he called.

His smart brain processed fast to find only him speaking or still standing here. While if she was actually in her sense he would have been thrown out of her room forget washroom. He quickly gathered his guts focusing his brain only on her face reflected in the mirror and was stunned to find her frozen like a statue.

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