57. Last breath

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Everything was going so fast that no one could conclude anything while a bullet piercing his skin made blood ooze out of him. Taking heavy breaths she goes straight in his arms crying badly and saying, "Please don't leave me... Krish. Please.. I can't bare to leave without. I love you please come back.." While his eyes subconsciously close with a faint smile over his lips.

The cops snatching the gun from Zen starts hitting him. Dia pulling her face away looks at Krish asking and shaking him to keep his eyes open and stay alive for him. She keeps on chanting that she actually loves him and nothing can change it in this world. "His Dia is only his!" But he doesn't replies.

Dia panicking was trembling badly as fear crept over her. She can't afford to lose the man she thought she never deserved. And just then Krish opens his eyes and stares straight in her deep brown eyes.

"Dia.. I'm alive. I'm fine dear. I won't live you not even if death dares to apart us. I want to live a while eternity with you", he mumbles and she chuckles at his words. She then breaks the hug, and checks on him nicely from head to toes to find a scratch over his arms and blood coming out of it. But otherwise he was absolutely fine.

Her brows creased up and she wanders then did she dreamt of seeing the bullet with a lightning speed coming out of pistol. Everyone was trying to find out where did the voice came from when a tall heavy figure with a thud drops over the floor taking her name.


As Zen points out the gun at Krish, Karan sees it. And before he could inform or push anyone away he already pulled the trigger and shot a fire.

Seeing this his whole body went in alert. And in those fractions of seconds all he could recall was what Sanjeev and Kabir said before he left for here. In a beat, he took the bullet on him pushing Krish slightly away only to hear the confession of Dia. And the next second, he knew he did right.

Meanwhile, Krish himself couldn't conclude as the time was barely even a second but only milliseconds. And before he could sense Karan pushed him, Dia was holding him tight in her embrace. And the bullet piercing noice made him numb thinking it's his end.

"I wish you happiness Dia... I am happy for you", he mumbles under his breath.

His life had no motives to stay alive after so many things and now that he finds Dia in her true soulmates arm, with a smile for her, he falls down with a thud.

Flashback ends

Blood was pooling out near him and gasping Dia witnesses another dead. A loud ear piercing shriek escapes her lips as she holds on Krish's figure who was equally shocked as her. His hands were shaking as they rested above her waist.

"Ka-ra-n..", she breathed out as tears pooled back to her eyes, blurring her vision.

Dia leaves Krish quickly and scrooge down to take him in her laps. Her hands were quivering and so was her lips as she careess his temple which has large sweat beads and blood. His stomach was oozing out blood as he takes his last breaths and Dia.

Karan sensing her hand over his skin opens his eyes and finds her beautiful in front of him. A soft smile lingers over his face as he grins and tries to cup her face making Dia help him.

Her life was never this cruel to hear or witness so many people losing their life infront of her. She looks at Karan as a memory clip of him and her plays in her mind while everything around her goes in a slow mo.

"Somebody come and help.... he needs treatment... can't we do something for God's sake till we reach the City..", Krish panicking yells at everyone while seeing Karan's condition who already lost a lot of blood they hung their head low.

Karan hearing that signals Krish to stop and eyes not to do anything. "I deserve to die after whatever I have done. My death is close", with great difficulty he mumbles and tears stream down Dia's eyes.

She shakes her head in negativity and asks him not to say like this. When seeing her crying Karan tries to wipe her tears asking her not to. But it only makes her burst into more tears.

He then tried to justify his actions of past and she replies that she knows everything and he doesn't needs to say anything. She also says that she has spared him and he doesn't needs to be sorry at all but Karan insists and apologizes again and asks her to take care of Samar after his death. That innocent child after him and Riya thinks her like a guardian and she needs to be one after his death.

"Please don't say this Karan... You have to raise your child, your Samar all by yourself. Please someone help...!!", she screams feeling helpless.

Krish feeling tears welled up in his eyes bends down and tries to take Karan in his arms securely. He assures that he won't let anything happen to him and is about to pick him when Karan stops Krish again and repeats he needs to die if he wants to live with Dia in a hushed tone and Krish freezes.

"Please... Don't bother to put effort on my dying self. Just be happy and give her everything she deserves. This biggest speed breaker of your life is going", Karan mutters to him and Krish's eyes widens up.

The selfish self of him cursing and wishing for Karan's death flashes infront of him. And hus throat went dry, thinking was it him who actually wished for his dead and now he is taking his last breaths. The innocent pure heart clenched tight as he thinks it's him who curses him so deeply that it's happening in real life.

He was sinking deep in thought when Dia shaking him ushers to pick Karan up. He comes out of that spell bound thoughts and was getting up when Karan got unconscious making everyone gasp. While on the other side, Zen kills himself also losing his sanity fully as his revenge is taken and now he has no further motives left knowing well it's his end.

Dia got numb and so did Krish, their eyes betraying them as tears rolls down and reality sinking in. Their heart badly wanted to decline the reality but the lifeless body of Karan didn't let them.

This day was the worst life of theirs, as they witness blood, murders, and people's death right infront of their eyes. This horrifying moment left a great impact on their hearts and minds and they didn't move until someone detached them from Karan and took him away.

Dia burst into cries as she clung over Krish's frame. Yes, she loves Krish now but at a time Karan was something for her. Her life revolved around him and her heart skipped a beat for him. He was a coward to leave her alone in one life when she vowed to be his wife all her seven lives. He hurted her badly, even broke her while Krish like a puzzle solver, joined all the pieces back healing her from inside. And hence, she had so much love inside her again that she could spare Karan.

But this was not what she asked for him. She wanted to make him cry in vain but never take his last breath. She lost her sister and Karan while that small kiddo in house was waiting for them. Her chest gets heavy as Samar's smiling face flashes infront of her eyes and she wanders what to tell him after going home. Krish on the other hand, blaming himself to ever ask for this shit in a fit of anger was still processing his dead. He was holding on Dia's frame with a traumatized brain which wanted to be in delusion.

When the cops after an hour shaking them takes back home. And with everyone back at home they do the cremation for three of them only Zen, Shalini and Karan who lost his life because of his mother and psychic stepbrother. His mother's deed made him pay with his blood and he was turned into ash leaving his beloved brother, father, son and sister behind.

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